Nine Tips to Help Stay Connected During the Holidays

Keeping the people you love in the conversation and part of the celebration is one of the most meaningful things you can do this holiday season.

  1. Be attentive to guests that are quiet at a holiday party and bring them back into the conversation.
  2. Turn off music and television during mealtime.
  3. Keep the room well lighted so facial expressions and mouths of those speaking are visible.
  4. Speak clearly and slowly at a comfortable room volume.
  5. Face the person or get their attention before speaking by saying their name or gently touching their hand, arm, or shoulder.
  6. Rephrase the conversation instead of repeat because it may be a particular word or sound of speech that they’re having trouble deciphering.
  7. Stay or sit close as it is more difficult to hear someone from across the room and harder to see their mouth and facial expressions.
  8. Seek them out and enjoy a one-on-one conversation in a quiet corner or during a quiet walk.
  9. Seat them at the dinner table with someone who will be proactive in making sure they’re following the conversation and patient if they need things repeated or rephrased.


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