Why Saying Yes To Hearing Aids Is A Wise Thing To Do

Hearing aids are often the last resort when people consider treatment for hearing loss. At times, people spend several years without them, completely oblivious to their importance or, at times, even consciously choosing to ignore it. Several research and studies have shown that most hearing-impaired people wait a minimum of seven years after the detection of hearing loss before seeking ‘aid.’ Moreover, to make matters worse, one usually tends to lose the hearing sensation very gradually, so much so that it becomes difficult to even know what sounds we’re unable to process anymore.
This resistance can be attributed to a number of factors, from the initial period of discomfort to the time and cost involved to even denial of the existence of a problem altogether! It is often observed that those who do go for a hearing evaluation to get a hearing aid, do so only because they have been pestered for too long by their family, friends or colleagues.
And how can we overlook the stigma attached with the use of a hearing aid? It is disheartening to know that despite serving the same purpose (of being a physical aid) as that of prescription glasses, hearing aids are invariably a symbol of old age. And, it is basic human nature to have an aversion to getting “old” even when it means deterioration in the quality of life due to untreated hearing loss. What’s a few lost sounds and tones in comparison to the retention of one’s vigor and charm, right? However, with the advancement of products, hearing aid being no exception, its newer counterparts are sleek and even more advanced advocating strongly for a revaluation.
Thus, if you are one of those who shares this thought or know someone who is resisting the thought of wearing a hearing aid, now is the time when hearing aids rightfully deserve to be tried.
The Sooner the Better
As the old adage goes “Prevention is better than cure”, it is always the case where early treatment result in less damage, if not protection. If the thought still persists that you are not the candidate for the instrument, maybe it would be wise to let go of those thoughts for once. Early adoption leads to super quick adjustments and, in turn, limits the tendency of the brain to forget the sound what it stopped hearing. The hearing aid works by tracing the forgotten frequencies. This information is picked up by our brain which then adjusts to the new sounds and processes them aptly. This processing by the brain may take some time as the nerve impulses generated by these frequencies are completely new to the brain and have to processed from a scratch. In certain cases, this time lapse may be longer than usual and here the processed sounds may seem “funny” to the individual. One should not give up on using the device for such reasons as this is merely the adjustment time taken by our brain to adapt to the new frequencies.
Improved Quality of Life
The resistance and stigma that people associate with the use of hearing aids are compensated by the improvement in the quality of life. Who doesn’t want to be included in a conversation and actively participate in it to make his/her viewpoint count or just enjoy the simple pleasures of life like music? Multiple studies have reported the value addition this instrument has brought in the lives of affected individuals by not only enhancing their cognitive skills but improving their interpersonal skills also.
Protects Your Cognitive Health
Another preventive advantage of this device is the protection of the neuronal network. There are multiple reports that have linked loss of hearing with dementia. In such cases, it is extremely important to protect the cognitive health of the patient and this can be achieved by tackling the hearing loss in time. It has been studied a stringent treatment regime for hearing loss can not only prevent the decline of our brain’s health but also heal the impaired cognitive functions in certain patients.
It’s A Medium That Helps You Stay Connected
Hearing aids are a splendid means to have fulfilling conversations with our family and friends for they decimate the need to constantly be attentive towards the hand gestures and facial expressions of the speaker. It is not a surprise when people comment on how they didn’t even realize what they were missing out on.
So, the next time you are stalling on getting a hearing aid, think again!


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