These 9 Questions Need Answering Before Leaving Your Hearing Evaluation

  1. What are my current hearing abilities? You probably already have a good idea of what you can or can’t hear based on your daily experiences. A hearing professional should be able to explain any hearing changes you are going through and what the source is behind any hearing loss you may be experiencing. Establishing these boundaries is often the first step to developing the best treatment plan for each individual.
  2. What options do my hearing loss and ears allow for? No two ears are exactly alike, and no hearing loss is identical to another person’s loss. After undergoing a thorough hearing examination, ask your audiologist or hearing professional what hearing aids your ears and hearing loss allow for.
  3. How will hearing aids improve my daily life? Knowing what a hearing aid can and cannot do is important for your lifestyle. You should come into the appointment with a list of what lifestyle elements are important to you including: exposure to noisy environments, how often you dine out, how often you are around multiple people, if you have meetings at work, if you use the phone often, how much you travel, if you have leisure time and more. This list will help your hearing professional to provide the best hearing aid options based on both your hearing needs and lifestyle choices.
  4. How Much Do Hearing Aids Cost? There are many types of hearing aids. You and your hearing professional will need to determine what will best suit your hearing loss, budget and lifestyle. Ask what you require in the function and ability of your hearing aid, and then ask what options are within your budget.
  5. Does my insurance cover hearing aids? Some private health care plans cover the costs of audiologic tests, hearing aid evaluations, and even partial or full coverage of hearing aids. Ask your hearing specialist’s office manager to check with your health insurance provider.
  6. What if I don’t like the hearing aids I purchase? Not every fit is a perfect fit the first time. Sometimes patients find that the hearing aids they’ve picked aren’t conducive with their lifestyle or turn out to be uncomfortable to wear. Make sure to ask your hearing professional about the trial period for the specific hearing aid you’re considering.
  7. What happens if my hearing aids break? Hearing aids need maintenance and care just like any other technological device. They break, get old, and eventually may need repair, a professional cleaning or even replacement. Ask your hearing professional what the plan is should one or both become inoperable. Also ask  if they offer emergency assistance when you need it most – on the weekend or after business hours.
  8. What’s your aftercare plan? Getting new hearing aids is just the beginning of your journey to restore your hearing. A reputable hearing professional will have an aftercare plan that includes follow-up appointments to fine-tune your hearing aids to provide the best possible sound.
  9. Can I do anything to prevent further hearing loss? The short answer is ‘yes.’ Your hearing professional will be able to advise specific precautions that makes the most sense for your individual lifestyle.



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