Hearing aid Batteries: Everything You Need to Know

A hearing aid is a programmable and custom fit high-tech wonder that provides amplification for those with a hearing loss. The power of these devices is a battery. For your hearing aid to properly function, batteries in good working order are a must. Unfortunately, hearing aid batteries tend to be expensive. There are, however, steps you can take to maximize the life of your hearing aid batteries.

Extending the Life of a Hearing aid Battery

The batteries that power your hearing aids are available in sizes 10, 13, 312, and 675. The life of these batteries can vary from user to user, but the determining factor usually comes down to the hearing aid type, battery type, environment, and the hours of usage. Have a look at these tips for extending the life of your hearing aid batteries.

  • New batteries are better than old ones– Old batteries in unopened packages often lose their power. Always try to purchase and only use new batteries.
  • Wait five minutes– Believe it or not, you can extend the life of your hearing aid batteries by just waiting five minutes before placing them in your hearing aid. The time will allow the oxygen in the room to activate the battery properly.
  • Keep your batteries at room temperature– To obtain the best results while getting the most out of your hearing aid batteries, always store them at room temperature.
  • Store your batteries properly– To extend their life, keep your batteries away from metallic objects such as coins or a set of keys.
  • Do not pull the tabs– Do not pull the plastic tabs that cover the tops of your hearing aid batteries until they are ready to be used. If you pull the tab early, you risk air prematurely activating the battery.
  • Keep the humidity down– You may consider using a dehumidifier to remove any moisture from your hearing aids. Excessive moisture hastens the end of battery life for a hearing aid.
  • Remove your batteries when not using for extended periods of time– This will prevent corrosion and extend battery life. If you do leave the batteries in, leave the battery door open.

Remember to wash your hands before changing your hearing aid batteries to prevent dirt build-up. Speaking of dust, keep your hearing aid free of clogged wax and debris at all times. When properly taken care of, a hearing aid battery can last between 3 and 22 days. So listen for distorted sounds or decreased volumes which are indicators of a drained battery.

Rechargeable Hearing Aids

At night, we often find ourselves plugging in and charging up or phones, pads, and other electronic devices. Hearing aid batteries can now be added to the list. Rechargeable batteries have advantages over standard hearing aid batteries:

  • Charging time is less than 6 hours.
  • A single charge can last over 12 hours.
  • Rechargeable batteries are better for the environment.
  • Rechargeable batteries can save you money.

If rechargeable batteries interest you, contact your hearing aid specialist.
A battery is an essential component of your hearing aid. It is important to familiarize yourself with your hearing aid batteries while taking measures to extend their life. An alternative, rechargeable batteries, have many advantages over standard batteries. For more information and tips contact your hearing aid specialist today.


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