Medicare And Hearing Aids

When it comes to hearing loss, hearing aids are a very common and effective solution. The newest models are slim in design and offer an increasingly impressive array of features from Bluetooth capability to tinnitus masking. What may not always be impressive is the associated price tag, especially when you are on a fixed income. The good news is that there’s more to that price tag than meets the eye, and certain Medicare plans do offer help to offset the cost of hearing aids.

If you’re not yet familiar with Medicare, it is the federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or older and certain groups of younger people. It is estimated that 44 million people are currently enrolled in Medicare plans. There are several parts to Medicare plans, each covering different benefits from hospital insurance to prescription drug benefits.

Medicare Part C, the Medicare Advantage Plans, are generally where enrollees can find benefits for hearing aids.  These plans, offered by a private company, often offer at least partial coverage to help reduce out-of-pocket costs for hearing aids. Do your research if you are in the process of comparing plans. Some Advantage plans do not cover hearing exams, hearing aid fittings or hearing aids even in part. Some plans do offer supplemental insurance options with their Medicare Advantage Plans that include hearing care and hearing aid coverage in addition to other benefits such as dental and vision.

Once you’ve determined if and how much your Medicare plan may cover, discuss additional options with your hearing healthcare provider. These days there are many solutions to manage the cost. The goal of these trained professionals is to fit you with just the right hearing aids for your needs and lifestyle and make them an affordable investment in your hearing health:

  • Take advantage of in-office financing. Many providers offer several options to make the purchase of hearing aids budget-friendly.
  • Discuss exactly what you need in a hearing aid with your hearing healthcare provider. Don’t buy more hearing aid than you need, but do get the features that will help you hear and communicate most effectively.

While this may still seem like a significant personal investment for hearing aids, there’s more to consider when it comes to cost.

In most cases, the cost of hearing aids also includes a variety of professional services such as:

  • A comprehensive hearing evaluation to determine how much and what type of hearing loss you may have
  • Help to determine the best type of hearing aid and features for your needs
  • Professional fittings to ensure a comfortable and effective hearing aid
  • Guidance on hearing aid use and maintenance
  • Ongoing adjustments and fittings as needed

If you’ve been diagnosed with hearing loss and prescribed hearing aids, don’t put off the purchase. These important devices not only help manage your hearing loss now but also help to prevent further hearing loss in the future.

Discuss all your options with your hearing healthcare professional to get on the road to better hearing today!2018-02-21 09:00:01


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