Discussing Hearing Aid Options With A Hearing Healthcare Professional

There is no shortage of treatment options for people with a hearing loss. The current advances in medicine and technology are making new treatments available to the hearing impaired at a rapid pace. When there are so many choices available, it may be difficult to determine what solution best fits your individual needs. It is essential to discuss your concerns with a hearing health professional to determine the best treatment plan.

Type Of Hearing Loss

Before choosing a hearing loss treatment, consider the hearing loss that you have. There are three types of hearing loss and treatment will depend upon which type is involved. The three types of hearing loss are:

  • Conductive. Hearing loss of this type occurs when the outer ear cannot deliver sound to the inner ear.
  • Sensorineural. This type of hearing loss is a product of the inner ear, auditory nerve, or brain not being able to detect sound waves reasonably.
  • Mixed hearing loss. The third type of hearing loss is a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.

The type of hearing loss involved will usually dictate the type of treatment. Treatment can range from merely clearing out the excess ear wax with a syringe to hearing aids and possibly even a cochlear implant. Your hearing health professional can assist you in making the proper choice.

So Many Choices

Once you are aware of the hearing loss that affects you, it is time to consider your personal needs. Knowing your preferences in advance will benefit your discussion with a hearing health professional. When it comes to hearing aids, understand the primary criteria you desire from a device. The benefits you want from a hearing aid can range from a small size to the technological capabilities it offers you.

Cutting Edge

If you have an interest in digital technology, today’s hearing aids will not disappoint you. These computer-driven devices pack numerous features including:

  • Multiple channels
  • Directional microphone systems
  • Digital noise reduction
  • Impulse noise reduction
  • Feedback management systems
  • Bluetooth technology

These advanced hearing aids can also accommodate you if you are not an early adopter of technology. Many of these features work automatically, allowing you the freedom from worrying about them.

Noise Reduction

Be sure to let your hearing health professional know if you have an issue with excessive noise. There are hearing aids that can accommodate your need for noise reduction. Directional microphones aid you in understanding speech through the excessive noise of public places. The majority of hearing aids on the market feature some noise reduction so be sure to discuss this concern with a professional.

Hearing Aids For The Self-Conscious

If you prefer a hearing aid that fits discreetly in your ear, there are many selections available. Receiver-in-the-canal (RIC) or receiver-in-the-ear (RITE) hearing aids are very discreet. If you are looking for something close to invisible, try an invisible-in-the-canal (IIC) or completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aid.

A Little Bigger?

What if fumbling around with small hearing aids with even smaller parts causes you frustration? You may wish to consider a behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid. These models are more significant in size and are easily accessible for daily maintenance.
Being familiar with your hearing needs will be a tremendous help to your hearing health professional. Knowledge of the type of hearing loss you have and an idea of the features you desire will make fitting you with a hearing aid successful.


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