Assistive Listening Devices: What They Can Do For You

If you suffer from hearing loss, you might be considering a variety of different technologies to help you maintain your independence and confidence in daily life. While many people think that all people with hearing loss rely solely on hearing aids, there are actually a number of additional gadgets, known as assistive listening devices, or ALDs, which can be used in addition to hearing aids.
ALDs are personal devices that can be used to transmit or amplify sound by bringing distant sounds directly into your ear and eliminating background noise. Although hearing aids are one type of ALD, there are a number of other devices that are better suited to help people with differing levels of hearing loss and a variety of hearing-related needs.
Your hearing healthcare provider is your best source of information when it comes to ALDs. However, if you’re considering investing in a new device, it’s worth doing your research on what’s available so you can have an informed conversation with your hearing healthcare professional. That being said, here are some of the latest ALD technologies on the market today:
Remote Microphones
If you struggle to follow conversations at busy restaurants because your hearing aids get distracted by background noise, you might appreciate a remote microphone. These discreet little gadgets can be worn by another person in a one-on-one conversation or simply placed on the table at a family gathering.
Remote microphones capture the sounds of people talking nearby without all of the annoying background noise. Then, they transmit that sound directly to your hearing aids so you can focus on what your friends are saying. These little devices are perfect for people who find it difficult to hear conversations in busy social situations.
Phone Call Technologies
Even with today’s smartphones, hearing a phone call can be challenging for people with hearing loss. Luckily, there are a number of ALDs available to make phone calls easier for people with hearing loss, especially if you have a smartphone.
People with iPhones can set their device to automatically send calls directly to some hearing aids. Other cell phones can be programmed to connect to a small mobile device that will then stream phone calls straight to your hearing aids.
These ALDs have microphones that enhance conversations in noisy environments, so you don’t have to worry about missing an important piece of information. Many of these devices also wirelessly stream music from Bluetooth enabled devices, so you can enjoy the songs you love without having to take your hearing aids off!
Television And Media Devices
Many people first seek out hearing healthcare because family members start complaining that they turn the TV volume up too loud. If these complaints led you to get hearing aids, you can now rest assured that there are some fantastic ALDs specifically designed to help you listen to the TV.
Many of these devices can connect to TVs, as well as other media sources such as stereos and radios, and send the signal directly to your hearing aids. With this technology, you can listen to the TV at a volume that is ideal for you while your family listens to at a volume that’s comfortable for them – the best of both worlds!
Most ALDs are incredibly easy to use for a variety of hearing aid wearers. If you’re considering investing in an ALD to enhance your hearing aids’ capabilities, you should seek out advice from your hearing healthcare professional to ensure that you get the device that is right for you.


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