Bye Bye Beige Hearing Aids

Americans into the tens of millions now report they have at least some hearing loss, and it is estimated that over 28 million Americans could benefit from hearing aids. Whether it’s the cost, the perception that their hearing loss isn’t severe enough to require hearing aids or fear of what others may think when they see hearing aids, the reality is that only a fraction of those who could benefit from hearing aids, ever actually purchase them. Experts agree that it is crucial to wear hearing aids if they’ve been recommended by a hearing healthcare provider to manage hearing loss. It’s not just about hearing better either. Untreated hearing loss is now linked with a long list of related health concerns including depression, dementia and anxiety.
The good news is that hearing aid manufacturers are now turning to fashion-forward designs in an effort to attract buyers who aren’t willing to settle on style in favor of function.
Hearing Aid Styles To Fall In Love With
Hearing loss can affect anyone at any age. In years gone by, hearing aid form and function were limited, and if you wanted to hear better, a bulky, neutral-colored device would have to do. In recent years, hearing aids have slimmed down in size and bulked up in features. The trend became the smaller the device the better, and Completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids became all the rage for those that wanted to manage hearing loss without the rest of the world knowing.
The next trend is now on the horizon, and it is all about making a statement and embracing hearing aids with style! Hearing aid manufacturers around the world are now unleashing their creativity to design hearing aids as unique as the wearers. Here are just some examples of how hearing aid companies are setting trends with style, form and design:

  • Leopard print or racing green – Pick your favorite color or match a pattern to your personality with smaller hearing aids that look more like earrings than listening devices. Geared towards those in their 40s or 50s with mild to moderate hearing loss, these colorful choices are tempting even the most cautious of people with hearing loss to purchase. They may not work for everyone due to their focus on lower levels of hearing loss and a slimmer design that requires more frequent battery changes.
  • Forget traditional – Hearing aids combined with a piercing gauge or sci-fi styled devices sum up many of the newest non-traditional choices on the market. These designs are almost unrecognizable as actual hearing aids, but give those with hearing loss the opportunity to make a stylish and unique statement with what looks more like a new accessory.
  • Forging fashionable partnerships for hearing health – Some hearing aid manufacturers are forming fashion-forward partnerships with style and media companies to create the colorful and unique hearing aid lines now coming on the market. Ari Seth Cohen, founder of Advanced Style which is currently working with hearing aid manufacturer Audicus, says “We’re trying to cut down the stigmas that surround hearing aids. Our goal is to encourage people with hearing loss to be proud to wear a hearing aid and have a little fun with it.”
  • Hearing aid decorations – Not ready to purchase that flashy new hearing aid, but want your current hearing aid to have a little more style? Embellishments and charms can add some fun personality. This list of shops and designers can get you started.

Gone are the days when you had to purchase the same beige hearing aid like everyone else on the block. Show your personality with the newest designs out there. If you have questions about these or other hearing aids, we can help. Schedule an appointment today to discuss your hearing loss and hearing aid options.


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