Five Myths About Cochlear Implants

By: Dr. Nimet Adam
Myth 1
Cochlear implants are suitable for individuals with profound hearing impairment only
The criteria for eligibility for cochlear implants have expanded to include individuals with moderate to severe hearing loss. This is due to improvements in cochlear implant technology and surgical procedures. If a patient can no longer benefit from traditional hearing aids, a cochlear implant may be a viable option.
Myth 2
The surgery is long and complicated
Today, cochlear implantation is most often an outpatient procedure that takes 90 minutes to 3 hours to complete. Patients typically experience very little post-operative pain and the actual surgical procedure is considered both safe and effective. Age and pre-existing health conditions do not exempt you from considering an implant.
Myth 3
Cochlear implants won’t give me the technologies I enjoy with my hearing devices
Today’s cochlear implants which utilize Bluetooth technology are able to leverage “made for iPhone” streaming of music, movies, telephone calls, and more. Plus, a hearing aid in the other  ear can be paired with the implant to allow for streaming and control of hearing in both ears. There are even waterproof options that allow you to swim with your implant so there is no need to remove your device for water related activities.
Myth 4
Cochlear implants are big and bulky
Some implants are virtually invisible with only a magnet hidden under the hair and no hearing aid on the ear at all!
Myth 5
Cochlear implants are expensive
Most insurance companies cover the cost of an implant unlike traditional hearing aids.


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