Frequently Asked Questions About Hearing Aids

So, you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with hearing loss? Chances are you have plenty of questions! First and foremost, you are not alone in your diagnosis or quest for more information.
According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 15% of American adults (37.5 million) aged 18 and over report some trouble hearing and about 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from using hearing aids. While only a fraction of those millions choose to use hearing aids, it’s easy to see just how many people in the United States manage hearing loss with hearing aids.
Hearing Aid FAQ
If you believe you may have hearing loss and wondering about hearing aids or you’re newly diagnosed with hearing loss and considering your options, this is a great place to start. These are some of the most commonly asked questions about hearing aids.
How do I know if I need hearing aids?
The best way to determine if you need hearing aids is to get a hearing evaluation. During a hearing evaluation with a hearing health care professional, you’ll find out if you do have hearing loss, the amount of hearing loss and whether it’s in one ear or both, and treatment options. In many cases, hearing aids will be the recommended treatment, but your hearing health care professional will be the best person to determine if you need hearing aids.
How do I choose the best hearing aid?
Once you’ve had a hearing evaluation and been diagnosed with hearing loss, you’ll work with your hearing health care professional to select the best hearing aid for you. The best choice will not only manage your hearing loss to help prevent further loss, but it will also fit well with you and your lifestyle. Are you frequently in noisy environments? Do you have tinnitus? Do you need a hearing aid that connects seamlessly with other devices? Discussing things like these with your hearing health care professional can help you choose the best hearing aid for your needs.
How do I get used to my hearing aids?
Hearing aids may take some time to get used to. As advanced as these little digital devices have become, they are still not an overnight solution to hearing loss. To get used to your hearing aids, first, ensure that you’ve had a professional fitting and see your hearing health care professional regularly for adjustments. In addition, wearing your hearing aids every day throughout the day, not just when you think you might need them can help you become more comfortable with them. Finally, give listening activities a try to help you adjust to listening with hearing aids. These may include reading a book out loud, watching television with closed captioning or using an auditory training program.
How do I maintain my hearing aids?
It is always a smart choice to protect your investments, and hearing aids are no different. Start with a daily cleaning at home, including a thorough wipe down of your hearing aid and brushing the openings to clear away earwax and dirt particles. Don’t forget to remove the battery and clean the battery compartment too. This regular cleaning can help extend the life of your hearing aid battery. It’s also important to see your hearing healthcare professional for more thorough cleanings at least twice a year.
What if my hearing aids just aren’t working for me?
Occasionally, hearing aids aren’t a fit. This is why it’s so important to work closely with your hearing healthcare provider on fittings, adjustments and in some cases finding a new hearing aid. Many providers offer a trial period to ensure you find just the right hearing aid. Before purchasing, ask your provider about their policies if the hearing aids you purchase don’t work for you.
Why do I need to wear hearing aids?
Hearing aids not only help you get back to hearing the world around you, but they may also have a positive impact on health. Recent research is linking hearing loss to conditions such as depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline. Wearing hearing aids to manage hearing loss is an easy step you can take to protect your mental, physical and emotional well-being.
If you have questions about hearing loss and hearing aids, contact our office to schedule an appointment.


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