Hearing Aid FAQs

The hearing aids of today are nothing like those of yesteryear, but not everyone knows this. Stigmas revolve relentlessly around hearing aid use, causing millions of Americans who would benefit from their application to avoid even considering one.

What if we could help dispell some of the misperceptions out there about hearing aids? How many people would experience a whole new fulfilling world full of sounds they have missed out on for so long?

If you have any questions about hearing aids, or even just a hunch or two, read on to see if this important FAQ article can help you learn more, and possibly make a decision about your own potential hearing aid use.

Question 1 – Are Hearing Aids Really Helpful Enough To Make It Worth It?

Answer:  Absolutely.

While hearing aids are by no means a one-step fix it all solution to hearing loss, it can do a lot to restore certain sounds that aid in effective hearing, especially concerning human speech frequency.

Hearing aids can help individuals who have experienced conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss, and age-related hearing loss (presbycusis).  Whether your hearing loss is caused by obstructions in the ear (conductive hearing loss), damage to the sensory cochlear hair cells (sensorineural hearing loss), or due to age-related loss, a hearing aid that’s well fitted, and appropriately calibrated for the individual’s particular range of loss, can provide enough improvement in hearing to make the purchase one hundred percent worth the price.

Question 2 – Does Insurance cover hearing Aids?

Answer: Mostly.

Most private insurance plans cover the cost of hearing aids. Medicare does not currently cover the cost of hearing aids, but there is legislation in Congress attempting to remedy that flaw. Check with your insurance, including your supplemental insurance to see if hearing aids are covered. There are also many privately funded organizations that can help cover the cost of hearing aids.

Question 3 – Is there any other option available than those large behind the ear style aids?

Answer: Yes.

Every day, thanks to technological advances, the size of hearing aids are becoming smaller and smaller, making the device less visible. Most hearing aid recipients, depending on budget, now have the luxury of choosing between BTE (behind the ear), CIC (completely in the canal), IIC (invisible in the canal), and MIC (mini in the canal), to name a few.

Question 4: How Do I Know If I Need A Hearing Aid?

Answer: If you find yourself missing out on key pieces information, not entirely taking in the full conversation, straining to hear others or asking them to repeat themselves often, or turning up the TV louder than what is comfortable for others, you may benefit from a hearing test. You can contact any hearing health professional to schedule a hearing evaluation. This evaluation is painless and rather simple, involving a few different assessments and some question and answer information gathering.

Question 5: Is adjusting to a hearing aid hard to do?

Answer: Not for most of us.

Hearing aids do have an adjustment period, which can be longer for those with more severe hearing loss than for those with mild hearing loss. If you’ve been living with significant hearing loss for quite some time, your brain’s ability to adjust will be weakened, causing the adjustment period to be somewhat longer. Children and younger adults generally tend to adjust more quickly. That being said, once you’ve adapted to your hearing aid, the improvement in sound quality can be quite remarkable.


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