Hearing Loss Do’s And Don’ts

The slow process of hearing loss discovery can be met with much hesitation and overwhelming feelings of anxiety and fear. But, getting the help you need to deal with hearing loss can remove much of the negative feelings associated with the situation. Here are some helpful tips that can help you through the process if you suspect you have suffered hearing loss.
Do Get Your Hearing Checked
The very first thing you should do if you suspect you have hearing loss is to get a hearing screening by a hearing health professional. A professional can give you a complete picture of what your hearing landscape looks like, and where your hearing loss falls. By doing this, they will help confirm or deny your suspicions of hearing loss.
Do Ask Your Friends And Family
You may feel embarrassed to do so at first, but asking those around you about their hearing in certain environments will give you a better picture to the sounds you may be missing. It will help you understand too, if your perception of hearing loss is internal or if the environment you’re in is just a difficult one for everyone’s hearing.
Do Understand The Impact On Others
If you have undiagnosed hearing loss, then your friends and family are suffering too. Whether you find yourself turning the volume louder to the point others are complaining, or you self isolate from your loved ones because of the frustration you feel from the inability to follow a conversation in a noisy room, people who care about you suffer from your hearing loss as well. Getting help not only improves your ability to hear, but it also improves your relationship with loved ones around you.
Do Talk With Others
If you know anyone living with hearing loss, talk to them about their experience. They may be able to provide you with valuable insight into what their life is like with proper hearing assistance. You may be able to relate to their own experiences day-to-day.
Don’t Ignore Hearing Loss
Often, hearing loss can worsen if proper treatment or prevention isn’t applied. Ignoring your hearing loss only hurts you, those around you, and your quality of life. If you suspect you may have hearing loss, don’t avoid seeing a professional for a hearing screening. This often most challenging step will open the door to a myriad of options to improve your hearing experience.
Don’t Self Isolate
Living with untreated hearing loss can be incredibly frustrating. It can result in a tendency to isolate yourself from family and loved ones, or from going out in social settings. This isolation will only lead to worsening feelings of depression, anxiety, and loneliness. Consult a hearing health professional if you suspect hearing loss so that you can learn about all of the tools and assistive devices available to improve your hearing experience.
Don’t Think You’re Too Young
While the vast majority of hearing loss occurs later in life, 37 million Americans age 18 and older have hearing loss. This statistic means you’re just as at risk as anyone else.


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