How To Choose An Audiologist Or Other Hearing Health Professional

Your hearing health is very important. It’s just as important as cardiovascular health or any other major body system. So when it comes to finding a hearing health professional, such as an audiologist, be sure to take the time and care to find the best fit for you. An excellent audiologist will possess experience and knowledge in the latest techniques and approaches to hearing health. They will use state of the art technology and hearing assessments to ensure you’re hearing is assessed with the highest degree of quality possible. So how do you find a good audiologist? Use these criteria to help:

Get A Referral

Don’t pull an audiologist name out of thin air. Visiting an audiologist that has not been referred to you by someone you trust can result in less than optimal care for your hearing health. Instead, canvas your friends and family for someone who sees or has seen an audiologist. Ask them about their experience and if they would recommend their audiologist to you. If friends or family don’t provide a suitable option, ask your primary care physician for a referral. They will have a list of specialists, including audiologists and other hearing health professionals, they trust to provide quality service.

Investigate Your Options

If you do obtain a referral from a friend, family member, colleague, or doctor, do a little investigating. Ask yourself the following questions. How long has the clinic you’ve been referred to be in business? What do patient reviews online say? Are there customer testimonials on the website you can read? Check online directories for more information about specific clinics. Read the biography of the professional you’ve been referred to, and check their credentials. Hearing health professionals may hold a range of credentials from Au.D., M.S., M.A., BC-HIS and CCC-A. They should at least possess one of these.

Verify Insurance Coverage

Many insurance plans do not cover hearing aids, but they do cover hearing assessments. Check your insurance directory to ensure your professional is within your insurance’s provider network. Also, know whether or not your insurance requires you to obtain a referral from a primary care physician.

Consider The Location

If you have your choice of a few reputable hearing health professionals, look at their locations. A highly referred audiologist or other professionals that are further away may be completely worth the drive, especially if you have specialized needs. But, if they are located too far away, you’ll want to have that knowledge in hand before booking your appointment. Depending on where you live, you may have plenty of options for reputable and experienced hearing health professionals.

Be Your Best Advocate

Even if you’ve decided on one professional, your decision does not have to be set in stone. Upon your visit, pay attention to the impressions you get about the quality of care and assessment your professional provides. Just because they come highly recommended doesn’t mean they are always the best fit. If you feel they’re more concerned about pushing certain products instead of taking the best care of your hearing, you can always choose another professional in the future.

Want some more information? We are happy to help! Please contact our office for any of your hearing-related concerns or questions.


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