What To Do And Not Do While Traveling With Hearing Aids

For most of us with hearing health issues, hearing aids are an important part of our everyday life. These tiny devices that are so integral to our quality of life must be well cared for at home or on the go. With that, there are some key steps you can take to ensure you’re maximizing your hearing health while traveling, whether it’s for work or for fun.
Starkey Hearing Technologies has provided some important Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to traveling with hearing aids.

  1. Take an extra battery or two along for the ride wherever you go.

The last thing you want to do is get caught with a dead battery for your hearing aid while enjoying a relaxing getaway with loved ones or conducting important business at a seminar far from home.
Consider taking at least one if not two additional batteries with you so you can easily change them out and continue with your plans unimpeded. This will eliminate the need for trying to locate an appropriate place to pick up a battery last minute when neither your schedule or your location permits doing so.

  1. Keep your hearing aid and accessories close while traveling.

Take all the accessories you need for your hearing health, whether it be batteries, charging stations, assistive listening devices, cases, etc. with you on the plane or other mode of transportation.
Packing it in checked luggage could be a recipe for disaster if your suitcase gets lost along the way, leaving you stranded without your most important tools for communication. Clothes can easily be replaced — hearing aid accessories, on the other hand, take a little more time.

  1. Wear your hearing aids through the TSA security checkpoint.

You don’t need to worry about removing your hearing aids during the security process at the airport. TSA agents are trained and accustomed to implementing the proper security process for travelers of varying need and position. They understand the importance of the hearing aid and will work with you to conduct their screening in a way that’s suitable to both your needs.

  1. If you’re planning to be near water, bring a dry aid kit.

The last thing you want to do is get caught on vacation with a wet hearing aid and no drying kit in sight. A dry aid kit is the difference between a functioning hearing aid and one that becomes too water damaged to operate any longer. If you plan on getting away to the beach, a lake, a poolside resort, or similar water involved destination, make sure you bring your dry aid kit with you.

  1. Set yourself up right when arriving at your destination.

Your daily routine is much easier to accomplish on the road when you’ve got all the things you need where you need them just like at home. So set out your supplies either on your nightstand or another place in your accommodation so that they’re all there within arms reach whenever needed.

  1. Don’t leave your hearing aids at home!

Traveling with hearing aids can be worrisome because you may be concerned you’ll leave them at the hotel, or you’re worried about all the accessories you may need to bring. But the value of communication and a well-rounded hearing experience no matter your destination is much more important than the fleeting peace of mind you may feel leaving your hearing devices at home.

  1. Don’t leave your accessories or cleaning materials at home.

Don’t forget to include all the accessories or other material you may need for your hearing aids in your packing list. You’ll be happy you have these things when you’re off to your destination.

  1. Don’t remove or disable your hearing aids in flight.

The FAA provides exemptions for hearing aids and similar devices on airplanes, so don’t worry about keeping them and their wireless features on during your flight.

  1. Don’t hide your hearing loss.

Let your travel companions and flight associates know you have a hearing aid in case you need assistance with anything. They would be happy to help in any way needed.


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