Hearing Aids; Why We Don?t Wear Them And Why We Should

Research indicates that 15 percent of American adults have some degree of hearing loss. Surprisingly, of the 28.8 million Americans who have hearing loss, fewer than 16 percent of them use a hearing aid. What are the reasons for this disparity? Why would anyone elect not to use a device that is beneficial to their hearing health? There are common reasons people refuse to wear hearing aids, and there are ways to overcome these obstacles.

Hearing Aids Are Not Comfortable

A poor-fitting hearing aid is uncomfortable and ineffective. This discomfort with the device is especially the case if the hearing aids are more than five years old. A behind-the-ear (BTE) device may fall off your ear, or earmolds may cause soreness in the ear. Regardless of the reason, if your hearing aid is not fitting correctly, schedule a hearing aid fitting with a hearing healthcare professional. An adjustment can make hearing aids more comfortable while making it more likely for you to use them.

Failure To Meet Expectations

You may have bought a set of hearing aids with high expectations of the benefit they might provide, only to be frustrated and feeling like you wasted a considerable sum of money. The change in your hearing that technology offers may not meet your expectations. It is vital to schedule a visit with your hearing healthcare professional to make adjustments or even re-program your hearing aids for specific situations.


Unfortunately, hearing aids still have a stigma for some people. Although hearing aids are getting smaller and, in some cases, almost invisible, they still prevent some wearers from using them. If you are uncomfortable while wearing your hearing aids, try talking to family and friends about your concerns. They will benefit from knowing that hearing aids help you enjoy life, and you will feel more comfortable socializing with them.

Difficult To Care For

Hearing aids require maintenance. Due to exposure to the elements, it is essential to keep your hearing aids clean and dry. Fresh batteries are a must for any wearer, and many people find this to be a burden. Consider using the new rechargeable hearing aids, which will make your maintenance tasks more manageable.

No Benefit

You may be a hearing aid user who is realizing that your hearing aids no longer perform and no longer provide a benefit. Do not just quit wearing your hearing aids! This setback is an ideal time to schedule a hearing aid re-fitting with a hearing healthcare professional. Your hearing aids may need to be re-programmed, or you might need to have your hearing tested again. A minimal adjustment can make a big difference in your ability to hear.

Please Wear Your Hearing Aids

You have an investment in your hearing aids, so wear them. The more often you wear your hearing aids, the more comfortable you will feel. Using the devices will give you a better indication of how they work while retraining your brain to identify sounds it has been missing. Remember your family and friends that you communicate with too. Don?t let your hearing loss and refusal to wear hearing aids dampen your communication with them. If you are not using your hearing aids, schedule an appointment with your hearing healthcare professional today for assistance in making hearing aids work for you.


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