New Study Shows That Hearing Loss Can Lead to Delinquency in Pre-Teen Kids

Hearing loss can occur at any age, but there is a growing number of kids developing hearing loss due to prolonged exposure to loud noise. The hearing loss rates among children due to noise exposure are increasing due to the kid’s lifestyle factors. Video games, mp3 players, sporting events, movie theatres, and surround-sound entertainment systems are just a few of the threats to a young person’s hearing health.
Hearing loss leads to academic challenges for these children, and even kids who have congenital hearing loss and are receiving treatment in the form of hearing aids or cochlear implants struggle academically. Mental health struggles often contribute to depression, anxiety, and social problems among these children. Behavioral problems among children with untreated hearing loss are common. A new study is now suggesting a link between delinquency and moderate hearing loss in children.

Delinquency Study

Researchers in New Zealand are linking hearing impairment with moderate delinquency. The study consists of one thousand 11-year old children who are living in New Zealand. The study design includes testing the children’s hearing in a school setting and the completion of questionnaires, including questions regarding delinquent behaviors, peer pressure, and self-perception. The study also includes reports from parents regarding their parenting style, sociodemographic details, and behavioral problems in their children.
Based on their findings, the researchers believe that young children with hearing loss report engagement in moderate levels of delinquency. They conclude that this delinquency represents significant antisocial and potential acts of violence. The team suggests that their study is offering evidence of the considerable impact that hearing loss has on a child’s behavior.
The study suggests that there is a complex range of factors that lead to delinquency among children, including hearing loss. Results show that early intervention can prevent a child from entering into the justice system. The researchers recommend interventions in childhood to avoid long-term health problems and behavioral risks. Furthermore, the team believes that this study should serve as a wake-up call for governments, policymakers, and community service providers regarding meeting the needs of vulnerable children.

Does Your Child Have a Hearing Problem?

An untreated hearing loss in children leads to delays in speech and language development. Does your child have trouble hearing? Common symptoms for hearing loss in children include:

  • Difficulty understanding what others are saying
  • Watching others to mimic their actions whether at home or school
  • Behavior problems and poor academic performance at school
  • Inability to detect where a sound is originating

A child with hearing loss can live a full, happy life and learn to communicate with peers in a variety of ways. With early intervention, children with hearing loss can attend school with their hearing classmates. The key is addressing the hearing problem as soon as possible. A hearing healthcare professional can diagnose and treat the underlying causes of your child’s hearing loss to help them academically and socially. Please schedule a hearing exam for your child today.


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