Hearing Loss Can Increase Your Risk for Accidental Injury

Accidents can happen to anyone, right? That is why we call them “accidents,” after all. However, certain factors can increase your risk of accidental injury. While you might think something like “being clumsy” might top the list of risk factors for accidental injury, the truth is something very common: hearing loss.
A recent study analyzed data from the National Health Interview Survey that was compiled over an eight-year period, from 2007 to 2015. The analysis found that people who reported having “a lot of trouble” hearing were twice as likely to suffer an accidental injury as those who reported no trouble hearing. In the study, these people were more likely to suffer an accidental injury either at work or at leisure.
The study did not delve into the connection between hearing loss and accidental injury, or why they are linked. However, researchers hypothesize that the effects of sensory impairment play a part in making accidental injury more likely, both at work and at leisure. It is also worth noting that people with hearing loss are more likely to suffer from falls, which may contribute to a greater risk for accidental injury as well.
So, how can you protect yourself from accidental injury and minimize your risk? The results of this study make it clear that one of the greatest steps you can take is to have your hearing tested. If you have hearing loss, seeking treatment (and properly following through with your treatment, such as wearing hearing aids), can have a big impact on your wellbeing.
While seeking treatment for hearing loss is an important step in lowering your risk for accidental injury, you can also take other steps to help prevent injury. These include:

  • Following all safety regulations in the workplace and encouraging your fellow employees to do the same
  • Wearing appropriate safety gear at work and during leisure activities
  • Wearing reflective gear during nighttime outdoor activities
  • Avoiding jaywalking

In addition to lowering your risk for accidental injury, wearing hearing aids can also improve your ability to communicate and once again enjoy many activities that may seem different since you began experiencing hearing loss. Furthermore, many serious health conditions, including falls, depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline, have been linked to untreated hearing loss. By properly treating your hearing loss, you can also reduce your risk for these problems.
If you have noticed any symptoms of hearing loss, take the first step now by scheduling an appointment with our hearing professional. We will be able to assess your hearing ability, and if you have hearing loss, we will review your treatment options with you. We are dedicated to providing personalized care and treatment for each patient, and we are prepared to find the solution that fits your unique needs and preferences.
Once you have sought treatment for hearing loss, you can rest easy knowing that not only can you hear better, but you are also protecting yourself from an increased risk of accidental injury.
To schedule an appointment with our caring hearing specialist, we encourage you to contact our office today. We look forward to seeing you!


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