Keep Calm and Carry on…. How to Take Care of your Hearing Health in a Time of Crisis

By: Dr. Nimet Adam
The Covid-19 epidemic has impacted our day-today lives and as social beings, the impact of social distancing can have a negative impact on our mental and physical health. How can we get through this and take care of our hearing health?
Stay connected
In order to keep connected with friends and family, many of us are using technology such as FaceTime and video conferencing to see and hear our loved ones. If you have devices that will stream directly from your phone or computer, this can make communication clearer and more enjoyable. If using a land-line phone, using the speaker feature allows you to use both ears and can make phone listening easier plus freeing your hands to write.
For the streaming to work well, your hearing aids must be in good working order. Remember to replace your domes and filters regularly and more often if you are not hearing clearly. If you need a reminder of how to do this go to our website and under patient resources, we have several videos on how to maintain your devices.
Television is a wonderful pass time and is how we receive updated information about what is going on. You can stream information directly to your hearing aids so that television is clearer and more enjoyable. This in addition to closed captioning can make television a source of entertainment and comfort. If you don’t have a dedicated tv box to connect your hearing devices to the TV, a sound bar can also help to direct the sound beam towards you to make understanding television easier.
Your ears require good blood flow so keeping up with your exercise routine is important. Whether you are stretching or getting on your stationary bike or treadmill, exercise is healthy for your ears as well as a great way to reduce stress and pass time.
When you are tired, you are less likely to hear well and must put forth more effort. Use this time to relax and get enough sleep.
A diet that is good for the heart is good for the ears. Remember, blood flow is important and so healthy eating and increasing your vegetables that are high in antioxidants is good for your hearing health.
Lower your stress
This is a stressful time but doing things that relax you such as reading, gardening, cooking, meditating,  or arts and crafts can help to keep you calm. Whatever works for you; this is the time to do it. Your perception of the situation is also important. Only you can choose how to react to the situation. You can choose to be panicked and distressed or you can choose to remain calm. One thing is for sure, none of us have any control in this situation.
On that note, I am going to reference Bill Gates and his insightful comments about what this epidemic is reminding us of:
That we are all equal regardless of religion, culture, occupation, wealth, etc.
That this virus does not need a passport and the false borders we have created have little value
That our Health is precious so take care of it
That life is short and to make each day count
That we don’t need a lot of material goods but the essentials (food, water and medicine)
That what is most important are people – our family and home life
That our true work is to look after one another
That our egos cannot protect us no matter how strong, healthy, young, etc. we think we are
That the power of free will is in our hands
That we can be patient and sacrifice for the greater good
That this could either be the end or a new beginning
That we need to take care of our planet
That life is cyclical and with good times come some bad
That this could be viewed as a great disaster or a great corrector
Keep Calm and Carry on……Hearing Partners will be here for you when this is all over but in the meantime, feel free to call if you have any questions or concerns regarding you hearing devices or hearing health.
Stay healthy and safe!

Hearing Partners of South Florida

Delray Beach – 561-638-6530     Boynton Beach – 561-736-6002     Jupiter – 561-888-7260


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