6 Tips to Extend the Life of Your Hearing Aid Battery

There’s a lot out there about hearing aids and all the features they now offer from wireless capabilities to tinnitus blockers. Not only that, according to much of the research now coming out, hearing aids are even linked to better health and lower risk of certain serious health conditions such as cognitive decline.
Whether you’re still considering your options to manage hearing loss, just getting started with hearing aids, or a long-time user, one of the most common questions people have about hearing aids is how to extend the life of their hearing aid battery.  While battery life can depend on a variety of factors, from the type and brand of battery to the degree of hearing loss to how you use your hearing aid, there are several ways to make the most of your hearing aid battery, according to experts.
Follow these tips to get the longest life out of your hearing aid battery.

  1. Switch off your hearing aid – At night, when your hearing aid is not in use, switch off the device and open the battery door. This routine will save battery energy and allow any moisture to escape, also helping maintain the hearing aid battery.
  2. Repackage the battery – Occasionally, you may not be using a hearing aid for an extended amount of time (e.g., a backup hearing aid). In these cases, once you’re done using the hearing aid, remove the battery and replace it in its store packaging or a battery caddy.
  3. Store at room temperature – Maintaining the life of your hearing aid battery relies heavily on storage. That includes storing it in a dry area at room temperature. Keeping batteries in extreme heat or cold or in humid parts of your home can damage them.
  4. Keep batteries in individual storage – It may be tempting to keep several hearing aid batteries together, but storing them in individual packaging and away from other batteries and metal objects can add extra hours to your battery life.
  5. Leave those battery tabs – Each hearing aid battery is fitted with a protective plastic tab. Keep these on until five minutes before you’re ready to put the battery into your hearing aid. According to experts, five minutes between pulling the protective tab and placing the battery in the hearing aid is ideal.
  6. Start with clean hands – You know washing your hands can help protect you from viruses, but did you know it may also help prevent damage to batteries and extend their life by helping keep them free of dirt and oil?

There are more choices for hearing aid batteries than ever these days, including rechargeable ones. Whatever type of hearing aid you have or hearing aid batteries you choose to use, regular maintenance and following tips like these can add hours, if not days, to their usable life.
If you’re looking for information about hearing aid batteries, hearing aids to help you manage hearing loss, or would like to schedule a hearing evaluation to determine if you have hearing loss, contact our office today.


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