How To Lower Your Risk of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the awareness of sound in one or both ears, despite the presence of any external noises. Loud noises, excessive earwax, aging, ear infections, medications, blood pressure, and medical issues can all trigger tinnitus. Over 50 million Americans endure tinnitus, and it is a common health problem. There are no cures or prescription medications available to treat tinnitus. However, you can take care of your ears and reduce your risk for tinnitus.

Protect Your Hearing

It is essential to protect your hearing. Even though a hearing loss does not cause tinnitus, the hair cell damage in the cochlea resulting from noise can cause hearing loss and tinnitus. Short exposure to loud sounds and long-term exposure to noise can both damage your hearing. Proper hearing protection, such as earplugs are essential for protecting your hearing from damage. Soft plugs are cheap and have filters so you can still hear speech.

Use Medications Cautiously

Multiple medications cause or exacerbate tinnitus. The medicines include high-dose antibiotics and antidepressants. Even over-the-counter drugs can trigger tinnitus. Depending on the dosage and other health factors, a common aspirin can be a culprit for tinnitus. Talk about your medications with your primary care physician to determine which, if any, may cause or exacerbate tinnitus. You might be able to reduce your medication dosage or switch to an alternative drug. If the cause of tinnitus is a specific medication, you might eliminate tinnitus with one change in medication.

Stay Healthy

Help keep your ears healthy by ensuring you get enough vitamins A, C, and E as well as magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids. Put the cigarettes down, limit your sugar intake, watch your MSG consumption, and limit alcohol. Stay active. Even a short walk can boost your blood circulation to your ears, which helps to keep them working correctly.


Fatigue shares a link with tinnitus. Many people report an onset of tinnitus when they lack sleep. This lack of rest is one of the primary reasons that tinnitus tends to be louder at night. Your ears, and your whole body, function best with eight hours of sleep per night. Have insomnia? Speak to your physician for natural ways to address your problem. Use caution with sleeping pills as they can be toxic to your hearing.

Lower Stress

It is highly probable that your tinnitus began during a time of increased stress in your life. Take breaks each day to relax and breathe mindfully. If you have chronic stress, speak to a healthcare professional for ways to cope with the stress. Learn stress reduction techniques. It is no accident that many people find relief from tinnitus when they are on vacation.

Check Your Hearing

Get a hearing evaluation. Not only will a hearing exam determine if you have a hearing loss, but it can also help to find possible causes of tinnitus. A hearing healthcare professional can examine your ears, and if necessary, prescribe a course of treatment that can help your hearing and your tinnitus.


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