Hearing Aid Batteries: How To Optimize Battery Life And Power

Your hearing aids give you the freedom to fully embrace the world around you. While regular and thorough cleaning of your hearing aids keep them running in top-form, the battery provides the “juice” to power their performance. If making an appointment with your Hearing Professional is not an option, follow these basic tips to help maintain your hearing aid batteries for an optimal hearing experience.

Zinc-Air Batteries

  1. Always have a back-up. Purchase new batteries as needed, but make sure to check the “Use by” dates before use. Although unopened packages can last several years, their power diminishes as each year passes
  2. Wash your hands before handling your hearing aids and batteries. Dirt and moisture may be harmful to both the instrument and the batteries, reducing their efficiency
  3. Zinc-air batteries will have a sticky tab attached to the end that activates the battery when removed. This starts draining them immediately, therefore you should only remove the tab when you are ready to use them. Once the tab is removed from, allow the battery to “catch its breath” for 4 to 5 minutes. This can potentially extend the life of the battery by several days
  4. Temperature extremes and high humidity may decrease the life of any battery. Always store the batteries at room temperature (not in the refrigerator or bathroom) for optimal life, and be sure to keep them out of reach of small children. If you live or work in an area of extreme humidity, consider purchasing a hearing aid dehumidifier. This allows moisture to be expelled from the aid while providing a safe area for storage
  5. When you are finished using your hearing aids for the day, open the battery door to turn the device off. This will prolong the life of the battery and allows air to circulate within the device to minimize corrosion. If you find you won’t be using your instruments for a while, remove the batteries entirely

Rechargeable Batteries

  1. Daily battery performance varies depending on your individual use.  If you feel your battery life has decreased recently, keep track of any Bluetooth streaming (e.g. phone calls and other app usages). Increased streaming can have a significant impact on battery life, and maybe the cause of a decrease
  2. When your hearing aid is not in use, place it within the charger. The charging process will automatically stop when the battery is fully charged, so overcharging is not an issue
  3. If you must store your hearing aid for a longer period (more than 14 days), fully charge the hearing aid, then remove it from the charger and turn it off

Regular battery maintenance is important for your hearing health and can impact your overall hearing aid experience. We are always here to answer any questions you may have about your hearing aid batteries or help with additional maintenance tips. 


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