Spring Cleaning Your Hearing Aids

“I can’t wait to get to my Spring cleaning,” said no one – ever. It turns out, though, that a good spring cleaning has physical and mental benefits. The elimination of dust and allergen triggers is good for us, and decluttering can be a welcome mental boost. The cleaning part is a pain, but we love the result of all that arduous work.

This year, when the Spring cleaning impulse hits (and it always does), add your hearing aids to your to-do list. Hearing aids are a substantial investment and proper care and maintenance are key to getting long-lasting value out of that purchase.

Let’s face it – the moist and waxy ear environment is not ideal for state-of-the-art technology. Many of us go to Herculean efforts to protect our smartphones from even the smallest amount of dampness, and we need to do the same for our hearing aids. You should be practicing daily care, but Spring is a good time to do a thorough job and assess the state of your hearing aid.

The Right Tools For The Job

All tasks start with a bit of planning and the right tools. Hearing aids are expensive and delicate, so the proper tools for the job are in order.

  • Cleaning Brush: A soft-bristled brush used to clean the various parts of the hearing aid, including the sound port and faceplate.
  • Wax Pick and Wire Loop: These are specialized tools designed to safely get inside hearing aid openings to remove wax and debris.
  • MultiTool: An all-purpose option that combines the brush and wax cleaning capabilities. Many also come with a magnetic feature to open hearing aid battery housings.

The Right Habits For Long Use

  • Clean your hearing aids every day, at the end of the day. Night time cleaning allows for plenty of time for the devices to dry before you need them again.
  • Remove the batteries every day and keep the battery compartment open to dry overnight.
  • Brush the battery compartment after removing the battery.
  • Remove your hearing aids to bathe. Moisture, soaps, and shampoos are bad for a hearing aid.
  • Don’t use gel, hair spray, sunblock or lotions near your hearing aids. Remove the hearing aids to apply these products and wash your hands thoroughly before reinserting.
  • Do not use alcohol or alcohol wipes on your hearing aids.
  • Clean your device with the openings facing down to allow loose debris to fall out.
  • Consider investing in a hearing aid dehumidifier for better moisture removal.

Just like with all advanced technology, the right care will go a long way to extend the life of your hearing aids. In addition to proper home care, hearing aids should be professionally cleaned by a hearing health provider using specialized equipment to remove wax and debris in hard-to-reach areas.

Schedule an appointment with us today for a professional cleaning and take-home cleaning tips to keep your devices functioning at optimal levels. We’ll do a thorough cleaning and evaluation of all components of your hearing aid.



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