Top 10 Best Practices for Extending the Life of Your Hearing Aid Batteries

Your life has changed for the better with new hearing aids, and you’ve learned how to use them, now you’re wondering out how to you keep those darn batteries from wearing out so quickly.  Here are ten tips and tricks for extending the life of your batteries:

  1. Because sometimes we forget to do the obvious, a reminder to switch off your hearing aids off when you’re not using them.
  2. Always use your oldest package of hearing aid batteries first because the longer the batteries sit in storage, the shorter their life will be. If you always use the oldest package first, your spare batteries will never get too old.
  3. Store hearing aid batteries in a dry, temperature controlled room because extremely hot or cold temperatures and high humidity levels will shorten the life of your hearing aid batteries. NOTE: Never store your hearing aid batteries in the refrigerator or bathroom.
  4. Don’t remove the plastic tab from each pack’s battery until you’re ready to use it because the plastic tab keeps the battery fresh while it’s in storage, and as soon as you take it off, the battery is activated and will begin to lose potency from that moment forward.
  5. Wash your hands before replacing your hearing aid battery because dirt and grease on your hands can be transferred to the battery, which shortens the lifespan of the battery as well as your hearing aid.
  6. Let the battery “rest” for five minutes after you remove the plastic tab because when you take the plastic tab off, the zinc in the battery mixes with the air to power it up.
  7. Leave the battery compartment open when you’re not using your hearing aids because this permits excess moisture to dry which, in turn, reduces the drain on the battery. You may even want to use hearing aid dehumidifier that provides a protected place to store your devices at the end of the day.
  8. Don’t mix hearing aid batteries in with metal objects, like keys or coins because this may cause the battery to short circuit.
  9. Remove the batteries entirely if you won’t be using the device for an extended period of time because this prevents corrosion and damage from trapped moisture.
  10. Finally, if you’re in the market for new hearing aids, consider purchasing rechargeable hearing aids because they are more convenient. No battery replacement is required with rechargeable hearing aids, rather you simply place your hearing aids into a recharging unit before going to bed and in the morning, they will be powered for a full day’s use. Some models even allow you the option to substitute regular disposable batteries, in case you forget to charge your charger.



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