What You Can Expect at a Hearing Aid Fitting

Now that the time is coming for a hearing aid fitting, you probably feel overwhelmed. It is highly likely that you have many questions for the audiologist regarding the fitting of hearing aids. The initial hearing evaluation probably consisted of hearing tests and the selection of appropriate hearing aids. Now is the time for the fitting, so read on and put your fears to rest.

Hearing Aid Fitting

Your professional hearing aid fitting will begin with the actual physical fitting of your new hearing aids to your ears. This process usually lasts about an hour to ensure a proper fitting. A hearing aid specialist will make sure that the earpieces fit comfortably in your ear canals. If the hearing aids are of the behind-the-ear type, the specialist will make sure they fit securely behind your ears. After a proper fitting, the next step is customized programming of the hearing aids based on your hearing consultation.

Real-ear Measures

Following the physical adjustments of the hearing aids, your audiologist will check to see if the hearing aids are delivering the correct amount of amplification. Real-ear measures provide the audiologist with this valuable information. The test determines the quality of the sound entering the ears, and whether or not any adjustments are in order. The audiologist takes measurements of sounds and calibrates the hearing aids accordingly.


At this point, the physical fitting and sound measurements conclude. Now it is time to be educated about your new hearing aids. The audiologist will teach you care and maintenance for your devices. You will know the parts of a hearing aid and how to clean and care for them. Finally, the advanced features of the hearing aids and methods of troubleshooting enter the discussion.

Adjustment Period

The conclusion of the hearing evaluation is a perfect time to ask any questions you may have regarding your new hearing aids. Also, be sure to write down any questions you have during the adjustment period for future follow-up appointments. Adjusting to hearing aids takes time. Everyone adapts differently to hearing aids so take it easy on yourself and allow ample time to get used to the new devices. Your audiologist will explain what to expect in the coming weeks. It is likely that you will begin with a wearing schedule because new hearing aids can be overwhelming. Be sure to schedule a follow-up visit before you leave to address follow-up questions and adjustments.

A hearing aid fitting is a chance to be equipped properly with a hearing aid. It is a time for physical fitting, sound measuring, and patient education. It is nothing to fear, and there is no pain or discomfort involved in the fitting process. The process takes about an hour and includes take-home reference materials. Allow yourself plenty of time to ask questions and to schedule a follow-up appointment. The follow-up appointment will give you time to address additional issues that arise and for the audiologist to make any needed adjustments to your hearing aids.




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