Why People Don’t Wear Their Hearing Aids & How to Make the Transition to Hearing Aids Easier

If you have hearing loss, have met with a hearing professional, and have chosen to use hearing aids, congratulations! Hearing aids can help you hear better than you have in perhaps quite some time. However, some people don’t like to wear their hearing aids, or they stop wearing them after a while. Is that you?

There are a few common reasons people stop wearing their hearing aids. These include:

  • Your hearing aids are uncomfortable or ill-fitting.

If your hearing aids fit uncomfortably, you understandably won’t enjoy wearing them. If the fit isn’t right—for example, if your behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing device often falls off—it can be frustrating.

Fortunately, your hearing aid professional can help you achieve a better, more comfortable fit. In addition, hearing aid designs have become more comfortable in the past few years. If your hearing aids are five or more years old, they probably don’t fit correctly anymore. Schedule an appointment with your hearing professional to learn how you can get better fitting devices.

  • Your hearing aids don’t seem to be very effective.

If you don’t notice much of a difference in your hearing between when you wear your hearing aids and when you don’t, you won’t see much of a reason to continue wearing your device. This problem may be due to incorrect settings on your device, or your hearing ability might have changed. We recommend visiting your hearing aid professional to determine the cause of the issue and ensure that your devices are effective in helping you hear better.

  • You feel embarrassed or self-conscious about wearing hearing aids.

While hearing aids have come a long way in recent years, there may still be a stigma surrounding them. You may feel embarrassed that people will know you have hearing loss, or you may feel self-conscious because of how your hearing aids look.

Newer devices are much less noticeable and are designed to blend in with your hair and skin. Please speak with your hearing aid professional if you would like to learn more about these discreet devices.

  • You haven’t worn your hearing aids regularly.

Just like anything else, it takes some time to get used to wearing hearing aids. If you have been experiencing hearing loss for quite some time and are new to hearing aids, your ears and brain will need time to get used to the new sounds.

Fortunately, all of these issues can be solved! It is very important to wear your hearing aids if you have hearing loss. Here are just a few reasons you should be sure to wear your hearing aids:

  • Better communication and quality of life

This benefit is fairly simple: when you can hear better, you can communicate better! Wearing your hearing aids will allow you to more easily hear and communicate with your friends and family, even in noisy settings. For many people, this leads to an improved quality of life as you are better able to enjoy conversations, outings with friends, family gatherings, your favorite music, the sounds of nature, and more.

  • Get the most out of your investment

Let’s be honest—hearing aids can be pricey. So, if you’ve already made the financial investment in them, why not wear them? That’s the best way to get your money’s worth.

  • Lowered risk of dementia

Did you know that untreated hearing loss is associated with a greater risk for dementia? The simple act of wearing your hearing aids on a daily basis can help lower your risk for dementia and cognitive decline.

  • Lowered risk of other associated health problems

Unfortunately, dementia isn’t the only health condition associated with untreated hearing loss. Those who live with untreated hearing loss are at a greater risk for depression, anxiety, falls, and more. You can lower your risk for all of these serious health problems by wearing your hearing aids every day.

The transition to wearing hearing aids doesn’t need to be difficult or uncomfortable. Here are a few simple tips for making the transition easier:

  • Wear your hearing aids every day. This helps your ears and brain get used to your hearing aids!
  • Clean and care for your hearing aids properly. This will help ensure that your devices continue to function properly for a long time.
  • Explain to your friends and family how your hearing aids help you. Simply letting your friends and family know that you are now wearing hearing aids and that they help you hear better can help you feel more comfortable about the transition. They will probably be excited for you to be able to hear better!
  • Visit your hearing healthcare professional if you have any problems or questions. If you encounter any problems with your hearing aids, if they don’t fit comfortably, if they don’t seem to improve your hearing, or if you don’t know how to change the battery or any other routine maintenance, visit your hearing aid professional. They will be able to answer all of your questions and ensure that your hearing aids work and fit optimally.

We welcome you to contact our hearing healthcare practice today to learn more about how you can make the transition to wearing hearing aids a smooth one.


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