What Is The Difference Between Allergy Shots & Allergy Drops?

If you suffer from itchy or watery eyes, a constant runny nose, or frequent sneezing, you probably have allergies. Millions of people are plagued by allergies, but you don’t have to resign yourself to living with these uncomfortable symptoms. Safe, effective treatments are available from allergy specialists to help you live allergy-free.

Two of the most popular and effective ways to treat allergies are allergy shots and allergy drops, which can be provided by your ENT and allergy specialist. How do you know whether shots or drops are the right choice for you? Here is some need-to-know information about both options so you can determine which one is best for your personal needs:

Allergy Shots

Allergy shots are a type of immunotherapy for allergies. The contents of your allergy shots are custom created based on your specific allergy testing results. The injections are then administered at our allergy clinic. The goal is to administer small doses of allergens so that your immune system is desensitized to the allergen and you no longer experience allergy symptoms.

The build-up phase of receiving allergy shots must be done at our office. You will come to our office every 4-10 days to have an injection administered. Once the maintenance dose has been reached, shots can be safely administered at home.

Allergy Shot Pros

  • Has been the standard of care for over 100 years
  • Multiple allergens can be administered in a single dose
  • Safe and effective
  • Covered by most insurance plans
  • Can be administered at home once the maintenance dose is reached

Allergy Shot Cons

  • Must be administered at the allergy clinic every 4-10 days, necessitating multiple office visits
  • Children and those with a sensitivity to needles may feel anxious
  • Possible injection site reactions

Allergy Drops

Allergy drops work in the same general way that allergy shots do. Another type of immunotherapy, allergy shots introduce a small dose of allergens to your body (again, based on your personal allergy testing results). These drops are taken daily and are simply placed under your tongue in the dose recommended by your allergy specialist. Allergy drops are administered at home.

Allergy Drops Pros

  • Can be administered at home right away, so no need for multiple office visits
  • A good choice for children and others who feel anxious about needles or shots
  • Safe and effective
  • Fewer potential side effects than allergy shots
  • May be less expensive than allergy shots
  • Can be administered anywhere

Allergy Drops Cons

  • Medication compliance is up to the patient, so it is not guaranteed that the drops will be administered as they should to achieve the desired result
  • May not be covered by insurance

Reviewing this information may help you feel more informed as you make a decision about your allergy treatment. Of course, our experienced ENT and allergy specialist will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you find the solution that is best for your individual needs and preferences. To learn more about the difference between allergy shots and allergy drops, as well as our other allergy treatments, we invite you to contact our allergy clinic today.


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