Could You Benefit From Sublingual Immunotherapy?

If you suffer from allergies, you may have looked into some of the possible treatment options. One popular treatment is called sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT). This type of treatment involves placing allergy drops under your tongue every day. The allergy drops are specifically mixed for your particular allergies based on allergy testing results. The drops are made up of a small amount of allergen concentration. Over time, sublingual immunotherapy can help to lessen your body’s allergic symptoms.

So, how do you know if sublingual immunotherapy is right for you? The following are just a few categories of patients who can benefit from this type of allergy treatment:

  • Infants and children

Sublingual immunotherapy drops are easy to administer, even with babies and small children. SLIT may also be preferred for young children so they do not need to get allergy shots, since most children do not like receiving injections. Sublingual immunotherapy is safe for infants and children, and early treatment can help to lessen allergic responses over time.

  • Highly sensitive patients

If you have experienced systemic reactions to allergy injections, SLIT can be a good option. A study found that the chance of a severe reaction is much lower with allergy drops than it is with allergy shots. In addition, sublingual immunotherapy drops are often preferred by patients who have a needle phobia or cannot commit to injections.

  • Patients with asthma

SLIT has been shown to desensitize the body to allergic triggers. This can help to reduce allergic symptoms, as well as the need for asthma medications.

  • Patients with multiple allergies

Patients with varying types of allergies can benefit from sublingual immunotherapy. Research has shown that patients with multiple allergies—including dust, pollens, molds, danders, and foods—can see improvement with SLIT.

  • Patients with food and mold allergies

Instead of simply avoiding foods you are allergic to and trying to avoid molds, you can use SLIT to reduce your allergic response. Clinical studies have shown that even very sensitive patients can tolerate sublingual immunotherapy, and this type of treatment can lower your risk if you accidentally ingest a food you are allergic to.

  • Patients with chronic sinusitis

Research has found that many cases of chronic sinus conditions are actually triggered by underlying mold allergies. SLIT treats the underlying allergy and reduces the allergic response, which can help to reduce incidences of sinusitis.

  • Patients who have difficulty coming to the office for multiple visits

The main treatment alternative to SLIT is allergy injections. However, allergy shots require you to come to the office regularly to have the injections administered every 4-10 days. If this is difficult due to scheduling, transportation, or any other reason, sublingual immunotherapy can be a good choice. Allergy drops are administered in your own home, making them very convenient.

Sublingual immunotherapy can be a safe and effective way to reduce allergic reactions for years. In fact, a study found that symptom relief continued for 2-3 years after allergy drop treatment was stopped after being taken for three years.

Of course, your allergy specialist will be able to help you determine the best course of treatment for your particular needs and personal preferences. If you would like to learn more about sublingual immunotherapy and other types of allergy treatment, we invite you to contact our allergy clinic today. We are eager to assist you.


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