How to Cope with Embarrassing Allergies

Allergies can be embarrassing. After all, no one wants to be “that person” who is always sneezing, sniffling, or dabbing their watery eyes. Rashes and other skin irritations due to allergies can be embarrassing, too. If you suffer from allergies that are sometimes embarrassing, you are far from alone! Here are a few tips for coping with allergies and avoiding embarrassment:

Identify and Avoid Your Allergy Triggers

An allergy is your body’s reaction to a substance that it mistakenly perceives as a threat. In response, your body activates the immune system to produce antibodies, which results in symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, rashes, itchy skin, and more.

So, if you want to avoid the symptoms, your best bet is to avoid the trigger. Know what triggers your allergies—like pollen, dust, pet dander, etc.—and then do what you can to avoid those triggers. If you are allergic to pollen, for example, stay inside as much as possible on dry, windy days. Check the pollen count and stay indoors on days with high pollen counts. Be sure to keep your windows and doors shut tight. If you need to go outside, consider wearing a pollen mask, and be sure to shower as soon as you get back home.

If you have a food allergy, avoid eating foods that contain the allergen. Food allergies can be life-threatening, so this is one to take seriously. If you are a parent and your child has an allergy, be sure to inform their school.

Set Up Your Indoor Environment for Success

While avoiding outdoor allergies and foods you are allergic to seems fairly simple, many allergens thrive indoors as well. You can reduce indoor allergens by investing in devices with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, which are designed to remove minute airborne particles that can cause allergic reactions. When purchasing a vacuum, dehumidifier, and air purifier, look for a model that includes a HEPA filter.

Another way to improve your indoor environment is to prevent mold growth. You can do this by regularly cleaning areas that tend to become damp and therefore encourage mold growth, like the basement or garage. The soil for indoor plants can also promote mold growth, so avoid collecting too many indoor plants.

If you have a pet, wash your pet at least once a week to keep dander to a minimum. Vacuuming at least once a week can also reduce the amount of pet hair and dander lingering in your home.

Get Professional Help from an Allergist

If avoiding your triggers and improving your indoor environment don’t resolve the issue, or if you find yourself suffering from allergic symptoms for over one week, it’s time to consult a professional. An allergist can review your medical history and conduct tests to pinpoint the allergens that are causing your symptoms. From there, your allergist will create a personalized treatment plan to help you manage your allergies and resolve your symptoms. Allergy treatment may include medications to ease your symptoms and prevent future flare-ups. Your allergist may also recommend immunotherapy, which is designed to lessen your body’s reaction to allergens.

To learn more about how to deal with embarrassing allergies and to set up an appointment with our experienced allergist, we invite you to contact us today at West River ENT & Allergy.


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