Can I Program My Own Hearing Aids?

If you wear hearing aids or are anticipating you will need to wear hearing aids, you know that they will need to be programmed specifically to your hearing needs. Whether you are getting the right fit on new hearing aids or need to adjust the programming after some use, you might want to simply do it yourself.

So, the short answer to this question is, no. A hearing aid professional should always be called upon to program your hearing aids and ensure a good fit. But there are circumstances when you will want to troubleshoot your hearing aid yourself before contacting a professional. 

How you troubleshoot your hearing aid depends on the type of hearing aid you have, and from what manufacturer. We have a very helpful Troubleshooting page that can help you navigate your hearing aid. 

On the troubleshooting page, we have Hearing Aid Cleaning videos on: Oticon Behind The Ear, Phonak Behind The Ear, Resound Behind The Ear, Signia Behind The Ear, and Widex Behind The Ear.

We also have several helpful tips on:
How to change phone call routing and change volume of phone call
How to clean up Safari
How to Disconnect then reconnect hearing aids to iPhone
How to do an iOS update on an iPhone
How to make phone calls go to car speakers
How to pair hearing aids to your iPhone
How to add remote control function on your iPhone
Check out our helpful Troubleshooting page or call us to schedule a time to address all of your hearing aid needs!


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