Can I Program My Own Hearing Aids?

If you wear hearing aids, you probably know that from time to time, they need to be programmed. Whether you are getting the right fit on new hearing aids or need to adjust the programming after some use, you might want to simply do it yourself.
Although a hearing aid professional can always be called upon to program your hearing aids and ensure a good fit, there are circumstances when you might find it more convenient to program your own hearing aid. Perhaps you like to be in charge and get the details right on your own! Here are some things you should know about programming your own hearing aids.
Can I program my own hearing aid?
As noted above, hearing aid professionals typically program your hearing aids for you. They are trained and experienced in programming hearing aids. However, there are some situations in which you can program your own hearing aid.
First, you need to make sure that your hearing aids allow you to program them yourself. Some hearing aids do not have this option. Second, programming your own hearing aid will require you to use hearing aid software. If you are not very tech savvy, it might be a better choice to have a professional program your hearing aids.
How to program your own hearing aid
If you have made certain that you can and want to program your own hearing aid, here’s how to get started!

  1. If you haven’t yet, choose your hearing aids.
    If you do not have your hearing aids already, choose ones that can be programmed on your own. Here are a few features to look for when choosing hearing aids:

    • Multiple frequency channels so you can adjust each frequency independently of the others
    • A low delay processor, which reduces the echo perceived from a time delay between air conducted sound and amplified sound
    • An adaptive directional microphone that automatically becomes directional in noisy situations so you don’t need to change programs. This can be very important for improving the quality of speech in noisy environments.
    • An open fit that offers comfort (Open-fit hearing aids do not require custom ear molds.)
    • A good feedback canceller, which allows greater amplification without whistling and is essential in open fit devices

    If you need help choosing a hearing aid, talk to your hearing aid professional. They will be happy to assist you.

  2. Install the software.
    Obtain and install the software provided by the manufacturer. Again, this will only work if you use hearing aids that allow for at-home programming.
  3. Adjust your hearing aids at home.
    You probably spend the majority of your time inside your home, so this is the ideal place to adjust your hearing aids. Programming your hearing aids in your home ensures that everyday sounds are exactly the way you want. Try listening to the radio or TV while you program your hearing aids to make sure everything is adjusted properly. Don’t be surprised if some household noises, like the sound of the fridge, sound louder. Listen to real sounds, like your own voice and someone else’s, while programming.
  4. Connect your hearing aids to your computer using the software and/or cables provided by the manufacturer. Then, follow the instructions in the software to adjust the settings and program your hearing aids as you would like. After all, you know your hearing best!

To learn more about how you can program your own hearing aids, we invite you to contact our office today.


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