Are home remedies for allergies not working? This is why.

When you were a kid, did you ever hear the rumor that swallowing a watermelon seed would make a watermelon grow in your stomach? Hopefully, it didn’t take you too long to realize that was a myth and that accidentally swallowing a watermelon seed is no cause for concern. Similarly, there are a lot of myths surrounding home remedies for allergies. Just like that rumor about swallowing watermelon seeds, these myths about allergy remedies are still making their rounds today—and many people fall for these myths. Here is the truth about home remedies for allergies:

This is probably the most popular myth about home remedies for allergies. This myth recommends that you eat local honey in order to cure seasonal allergies. The truth is that eating honey, even local honey, will probably do nothing for your allergies. This is because the pollen that bees collect to make honey is too varied. Even local honey cannot be narrowed down to a particular type of pollen, so it won’t help you with your allergies.

The silver lining with honey is that it can help to ease a cough. So, if you have a cough due to allergies, honey may prove helpful in that way.

Essential Oils
Essential oils have many good properties. However, there is no research to support the idea that essential oils can cure your allergies. In fact, when used incorrectly, essential oils can even aggravate your symptoms because you might be sensitive to the oil itself. Essential oils are very concentrated and potent, and they are meant to be diluted before use. Even when used correctly, essential oils will probably do little to ease your allergy symptoms.

Continued Exposure
This myth says that if you expose yourself to your allergy trigger for a long period of time, you will stop being allergic to it. The continued exposure myth is often suggested for allergies to pet dander, with people suggesting that spending more time with a dog or cat could lessen your allergic reaction. The truth is, however, that prolonged exposure can actually make your symptoms worse. This tactic is also flawed because you are only guessing as to what your allergy trigger is and you cannot control the amount of exposure to the allergen.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has long been touted as a cure-all, including for those who suffer from allergies. Unfortunately, this simply isn’t supported by the research. Studies have found no proof that apple cider vinegar can cure allergies.

Over-the-Counter Medication
Over-the-counter medications, like antihistamines and nasal sprays, can be effective for managing your allergy symptoms. However, these medications are meant to ease your symptoms and provide relief, not to cure your allergies. Over time, you may even find that a medication that used to work well for you no longer provides the same level of relief.

Allergy Solutions that Really Work
If you’re looking for a home remedy for allergies, you won’t find one that holds up to scientific investigation. Your doctor, however, can help you find a treatment that provides lasting relief from allergy symptoms. The top solution for long-term relief is immunotherapy, which can be administered in the form of allergy drops or shots. The goal is to gradually expose your immune system to controlled amounts of the allergen, which will build your tolerance and decrease your allergic reaction.

For more information about allergy treatments, please contact us today at West River ENT & Allergy.


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