Untreated Hearing Loss Takes a Toll on Relationships

It’s not hard to imagine that relationships with significant others suffer the most; after all, in today’s busy world of work, volunteer activities and raising children or grandchildren, romantic relationships often thrive on finding brief, spontaneous and meaningful moments to connect emotionally.

Adults with hearing loss often believe the problem only affects their lives and daily activities. In reality, untreated hearing loss can negatively impact their relationships with a partner, family, friends and coworkers. Successful human relationships thrive on effective communication, with active sharing, listening and feedback.

Untreated hearing loss can emotionally impact adult children, especially those who have encouraged their parents to get help. Romantic relationships are dependent upon emotional, verbal and physical connections. Social relationships can be affected when friends don’t realize you have hearing loss; they may think you are a poor listener or don’t really care about them. This communication mix-up could cause you to withdraw from others in the future, leading to isolation and potentially depression. Communication is at the heart of working with colleagues. Hearing loss might cause you to miss something that is important, and colleagues may think you are ignoring them or are not willing to work hard and contribute.

Just as hearing loss occurs gradually, the frustration of family members with their loved one can gradually build until there is an explosion of negative emotion. The draining effects of having to constantly repeat oneself can lead to frustration, resentment, or anger.

Communication is the key to healthy relationships. Recognizing and admitting the fact that one has a hearing loss and then being willing to take proactive corrective measures can go a long way toward reestablishing meaningful and satisfying relationships. There are a variety of hearing solutions available. If you or a loved one is experiencing hearing loss, please reach out to a Hearing Partners audiologist who can help begin the process of better hearing. Your treasured relationships have so much to gain.


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