Hearing Loss; It’s Not Just For Older People Anymore

Hearing loss is a part of life for older adults. Studies indicate that 25 percent of people age 65 to 74 have a significant hearing loss. The number climbs to over 50 percent for those 75 and older. Problems that accompany hearing loss in older adults include depression, loneliness, anger, cognitive decline, and poor health. However, hearing loss does not just affect aged adults. Keep reading; this information may surprise you.

Hearing Loss Occurs At Any Age

One can lose their hearing at any age. The majority of people who are deaf are younger than age 65. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), 15 percent of American adults between the ages of 45 and 64 have a hearing loss and eight million between the ages of 18 and 44 endure hearing problems too. The main reason for hearing loss among children and young people is noise, and it affects everything from academic performance to social interaction.

Hearing Loss Among Children And Teens

The lifestyle of young people certainly plays a role in hearing problems. Loud video games, mp3 players, concerts, sporting events, movie theatres, and surround-sound systems regularly hits the ears of young people resulting in permanent damage to their hearing. An unfortunate consequence is an increasing rate of poor academic performance. Children and teens with hearing loss are at significant risk in school if their hearing loss is left untreated. The effects of hearing problems impact career choices, participation in sports, extra-curricular activities, and interaction with classmates. Worst of all is the sense of isolation and awkwardness that accompanies a hearing impairment.

The Causes Of Hearing Loss In Young People

A study in the Journal of Pediatrics reports that 12.5 percent of kids between the ages of 6 and 19 to have a hearing loss as the result of listening to loud music most notably with earbuds at loud volumes. Technology is not helping this problem either. With devices capable of storing thousands of song titles the average listening time is increasing. These devices deliver sound straight to the ear canal with no buffer making them particularly harmful to a person’s ability to hear.

What Young People Can Do For Their Hearing

  • Use the highest quality earbuds that transmit bass or opt for a pair of headphones.

  • Follow the 60/60 rule which states that one should listen to no more than 60 minutes of music at 60 percent of maximum volume.
  • Be sure to take frequent listening breaks.
  • If you suspect you already have a hearing loss, schedule a hearing evaluation with a hearing healthcare professional.

Protect Your Hearing Now

Throw out any preconceived notions about hearing loss. It does not just affect older people. The fact is it can change anyone, any age, at any time and the research supports this statement. Take steps today to keep your family, friends, and yourself from the adverse effects of excessive noise. If you suspect a hearing loss, set-up an appointment with a hearing healthcare professional today.


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