How Pursuing Treatment For Hearing loss Can Change Your Daily Life

For more than 48 million Americans, hearing loss can cause a significant impact on their day to day activities, reducing their quality of life in more ways than just their hearing ability. With studies linking hearing damage to social isolation, negative academic performance, depression, and even reduced job performance or wages, understanding the challenges deaf and hard of hearing patients undertake on a daily basis is vital to accurately treating patients, developing new treatments such as hearing aids that are better designed for their unique daily life, and releasing up to date information for those who have yet to seek treatment.

Daily Difficulties

Depending on the severity of hearing loss, daily activities may face roadblocks in ways that are often unnoticeable to those with healthy hearing. Studies show that patients with hearing loss are far less likely to attend social activities, fostering depression and low self-esteem that over time can lead to social isolation. The economic difficulties are equally as significant. Those with moderate to severe hearing loss are more likely to be unemployed, while those employed often report reduced daily job performance and lower salaries than their hearing counterparts. Whether you want to reconnect with old friends, take on new responsibilities at work, or simply relax with a hobby, untreated hearing loss can make your daily life more difficult than it has to be.

How Treatment May Improve Your Day To Day

Of those 48 million Americans with hearing loss, more than 28.8 million could benefit from hearing aids or treatment, with a large portion on average waiting 15 years before seeking the services they need. As surveys report overwhelming satisfaction with users and their hearing aids, citing improved quality of life, ability to hear, and product ease of use by over 75% of respondents, and studies show links between treatment and a reduction in depression, social isolation, and mental health issues such as dementia, treatment is vital to improving the daily life of the deaf and hard of hearing community. Similarly to adults, children’s daily life significantly improves with treatment as well, as hearing loss can cause critical reductions in emotional, psychological, and academic performance during such an important time for growth.

In addition to improving your long term health, hearing aid technology has become more advanced and catered to your specific daily lifestyle than ever before. With dozens of different designs, there are hearing aids uniquely suited for what you love to do. If you need assistance focusing on conversation in noisy environments such as crowded restaurants, Behind-The-Ear hearing aids may be right for you. If protection from the dirt and wind on your weekly hike is your concern, your audiologist may recommend an In-The-Ear (ITE) hearing aid as a solution. Seeking treatment to protect and improve hearing health has never been more important to preserving your quality of daily life. The sooner treatment begins, the sooner you can begin to live life the way you always wanted to.


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