Deciding on a Cochlear Implant? This Information Will Help.

A hearing aid is an extraordinary device. However, sometimes a hearing aid does not provide adequate amplification to meet a user’s hearing needs. The answer may be a cochlear implant if you demonstrate limited-to-no-benefit from traditional hearing aids. This small electronic device gives a sense of sound to those who have a hearing impairment. Unlike a hearing aid that magnifies sound to a damaged ear, a cochlear implant bypasses the injured portions of the ear and stimulates the auditory nerve. The implant produces signals that are recognized by the brain as sound. Are you in a state of confusion concerning the purchase of a cochlear implant? Here are a few items to contemplate as well as new research that might help you make your decision.

Who Can Benefit From Cochlear Implants?

A cochlear implant is not for everyone. However, the technology can be beneficial for people who have moderate to profound hearing loss in both ears. It is also well suited for people who receive no benefit from hearing aids.

Common Myths Regarding Cochlear Implants

Myths concerning cochlear implants mislead consumers who are interested in the use of a cochlear implant. Perhaps you are familiar with these:

  • A cochlear implant will restore lost hearing.
  • After the cochlear implant surgery, a person will instantly be able to hear.
  • A cochlear implant will sound like normal hearing.
  • One cochlear implant fits all.
  • Cochlear implant surgery is brain surgery.

The Good

Cochlear implants provide numerous benefits to users. Here are a few of the reasons a cochlear implant may be right for you:

  • A cochlear implant can improve one’s ability to hear.
  • It gives children the opportunity to attend a regular school.
  • Cochlear implants enable people to enjoy music.
  • An implant can help people understand speech without lip reading.
  • A cochlear implant can make life safer for a hearing-impaired individual.
  • It can help young people with school, social activities, and career opportunities.

The Bad

There are a few cons involved with the placement and use of a cochlear implant. Here are some of the major ones:

  • Cochlear implants may pose a risk from surgical complications.
  • Physical activities may be limited, especially those involving water.
  • Skin irritation of the area where the implant resides.
  • There may be repairs and replacements of a cochlear implant.


Are you still on the fence regarding the pros and cons of cochlear implants? This breakthrough research may offer some answers regarding the effectiveness of cochlear implants per individual. The team is conducting research that may predict how well people who receive a cochlear implant will understand speech. The team is finding correlations between a computer model and speech intelligibility in implant recipients. The result of this research could lead to improvements in speech understanding in individuals with cochlear implants. Speak with a hearing healthcare professional today to see if cochlear implants may be an option for you.


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