Silent Disco!

Trending: The Silent Disco
The silent Disco is an event where people dance to music listened to on wireless headphones. Unlike traditional dance parties using a speaker system, music is broadcast to the individual participants. Without the headphones it would appear that everyone is just dancing to nothing.
These silent discos can be done anywhere and at any time as they would not disturb any noise curfew. There can be a DJ, multiple DJ’s, or even a live band. When there are multiple channels to tune into (up to 3) some wireless headphones illuminate with a different color for each channel to let other party goers know what you’re listening to if they want to listen to the same. You no longer have to be separated by different taste in music. The volume can be adjusted so you can listen at a comfortable level for your individual pleasure and avoid the unpleasant ear damage from a long night of loud partying.
These parties have been around since the 90’s but have recently become more popular. Most large music festivals are now designating certain stages specifically for silent disco. There are also multiple headphone companies where you can rent the headphones if you decided you wanted to throw your own “quiet” dance party!
In Delray Beach they have silent disco’s every first Thursday of the month. The link is included if anyone is interested in attending one to see what you think for yourself. Your audiologist’s at Hearing Partners want to remind you that when setting the volume of the headset, it should not be heard by someone standing next you. This is an easy way to ensure that the volume is at safe level.
silent disco


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