Hearing Loss as it pertains to Heart Health & Relationship Wellness

Heart Health and Relationship Wellness Written by:

Dr. Nimet Adam, AuD, CCC-A

February is American Heart Month and Relationship Wellness Month.
How does Hearing Loss factor into these February events? In 2009, a heart health study identified that certain types of cardiovascular disease were strongly correlated with hearing loss. This is attributed to a common vascular compromise effecting both hearing and cardiovascular structures. This can also be a cause of tinnitus. It is imperative to update your medical history with your Audiologist.  An annual hearing test is extremely important so that any changes are documented and we can communicate to your Physician. Hearing Loss is a chronic health condition and should be managed similar to any health care issue.
In addition to hearing loss causing physical changes to the ear and brain, it can also impact you emotionally and put a strain on relationships. Having to repeat constantly and put up with the TV volume getting higher and higher puts the burden on your loved ones. The one suffering from hearing loss may start to avoid social situations and begin to withdraw. This severely impacts a relationship.
Hearing Partners is here to help counsel you and your loved one. We can treat your hearing loss so you can move towards better health and better communication. We ask our new patients to bring in a loved one to their 1st appointment so we can assess the communication barriers. We offer communication strategies in addition to how to use new hearing technology to maximize communication.
Call us today if you are due for an evaluation and start the New Year with optimal hearing as well as happy and healthy relationships.


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