Does The Flu Vaccine Give You The Flu?

Easily one of the biggest myths surrounding the flu vaccine is whether or not the shot gives you the flu. The flu shot is not responsible for giving you the flu. The flu vaccine is not an active virus. An inactive virus can’t transmit disease. Can you feel the effects of the flu on your body after the injection? Yes, but it is your body’s immune response kicking into action.

An Inactive Virus
It is common for people to feel sick after getting the flu vaccine leading them to believe that they are ill due to the flu shot. The flu vaccine will not cause the flu. The reason for this is because the flu vaccine consists of inactive strains of the flu virus. These inactive strains are incapable of producing the flu. Feeling bad after getting a flu shot is a positive sign! It means that your immune response system is working correctly.

When you get a flu vaccine, your body recognizes the inactive flu virus as a foreign invader. This process causes your immune system to develop antibodies to attack the virus when future exposures occur. This natural response may cause you to develop a low-grade fever, headache, or muscle aches. These effects are often mistaken as the flu when, in reality, they are the body’s normal response to vaccination.

Can I Still Get The Flu Even If I Get The Flu Shot?
It is possible to get the flu despite getting the flu shot; however, the cause of the flu is not the shot. You may have exposure to the flu before you get the flu shot, and it can take several weeks after getting the flu shot to develop full immunity. It is possible to receive exposure before the vaccination or before your resistance is fully developed after receiving the flu shot.

Contingent upon which flu strain you receive exposure to, you can still develop the flu despite the vaccine. Researchers create a flu vaccine that best matches the strain that is circulating. The effectiveness of the flu vaccine is dependent upon the degree of similarity between it and the virus that is circulating.

Who Should Get Vaccinated?
Children and adults who are six months of age and older need to get a flu vaccine every season. The vaccine is particularly vital for people who at high risk of influenza complications. The vaccine has essential benefits including a reduction in flu illnesses, doctor’s visits, and missed school or work. There are numerous flu vaccine options available. There are flu shots for those six months of age and those 65 years and older.

The reasons that determine whether a person should get a flu vaccine include age, health, and relevant allergies. Everyone should consult a healthcare professional before they take a flu shot. Information is available regarding who needs the flu vaccine. Be sure to wash your hands, cover your face when you cough and drink plenty of fluid to keep your immune system healthy.


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