Smartphone Apps That Support Hearing Aids— How To Know Which Ones Work Well

Have you ever heard the phrase, “There’s an app for that”? While this phrase was first used over a decade ago (Apple began using this slogan in their advertising in 2009), it has never been truer than it is now. You can download an app to your smartphone to do just about anything you want—to… Continue reading Smartphone Apps That Support Hearing Aids— How To Know Which Ones Work Well

The Use Of Biomarkers To Detect Hidden Hearing Loss

A new study may help to explain why people with normal hearing struggle to follow conversations in noisy environments. Researchers at Massachusetts Eye and Ear are determining that a pair of biomarkers of brain function may hold the answer. The two biomarkers, one for listening effort and the other which measures the ability to process rapid changes in frequencies, can… Continue reading The Use Of Biomarkers To Detect Hidden Hearing Loss

6 Common Myths About Hearing Aids

Several new advances have been made in the field of hearing aids in the last few years. Hearing aids are now smaller, more powerful, more discreet, more comfortable, and more technologically advanced than ever before.   Unfortunately, however, it seems that not everyone’s opinion of hearing aids has advanced at the same rate. Some stigma may… Continue reading 6 Common Myths About Hearing Aids

New Study Discovers Increased Risk for Tinnitus and Sudden Deafness Among Non-Migraine Headache Sufferers

If you experience frequent headaches, you know how annoying they can be. When they are very frequent and severe, these headaches can disrupt your day-to-day functioning. Performing your job responsibilities, cooking meals, taking care of your family, and even driving can become difficult due to headaches.   Although migraine headaches are well known for being painful… Continue reading New Study Discovers Increased Risk for Tinnitus and Sudden Deafness Among Non-Migraine Headache Sufferers