Important Tinnitus Facts

Tinnitus is an unfortunately common and frustrating condition. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control, some 50 million Americans – that’s about 15% of the population – suffer from some form of tinnitus. If that wasn’t bad enough, roughly 20 million Americans have a burdensome form of tinnitus that affects their everyday life while another… Continue reading Important Tinnitus Facts

Unusual Ways People Are Losing Their Hearing Aids (And How You Can Avoid It)

While we have over 70,000 thoughts a day on average, it’s easy to imagine how we may forget where we last placed our prized possessions. In fact, the average American spends 2.5 days per year searching for lost objects, costing $2.7 billion in annual replacement costs. Unfortunately, losing your hearing aids can be more than a minor nuisance,… Continue reading Unusual Ways People Are Losing Their Hearing Aids (And How You Can Avoid It)

Three Surprising Ways You Can Be Damaging Your Hearing

When addressing a hearing loss diagnosis, some contributing factors are widely understood and obvious to most people. Severe brain trauma, old age, or repeated exposure to loud and harmful sounds are common causes that come to mind when talking about hearing loss, but new risk factors may be responsible for hearing loss in ways you’d… Continue reading Three Surprising Ways You Can Be Damaging Your Hearing

Discovery Of New Contributor To Age-Related Hearing Loss May Help People Detect And Treat Hearing Loss Early

Age-related hearing loss, or presbycusis, is a hearing loss that happens to people as they age. This type of hearing loss occurs as the tiny hair cells within the inner ear experience damage. These cells do not regrow, so the hearing loss is permanent. This type of hearing loss occurs over time, and various changes… Continue reading Discovery Of New Contributor To Age-Related Hearing Loss May Help People Detect And Treat Hearing Loss Early

6 Do’s and Don’ts of Traveling with Hearing Aids

The days are getting longer, and the weather is getting warmer. Spring is here and with it, the first hint of travel season. If you’re itching to get out of town and see somewhere new, you’re not alone. According to the U.S. Travel Association, in 2017 U.S. residents logged 1.8 billion person‑trips (at least 50 miles… Continue reading 6 Do’s and Don’ts of Traveling with Hearing Aids

Information Processing Differences In Hearing And Deaf Children

The brain of an infant is a miraculous thing to behold. It is much like a sponge that absorbs vast amounts of information at a rapid pace. Complex processing begins in the young heads as the toddlers start to take in experiences and sensory input and form neural connections. However, what if the newborn is… Continue reading Information Processing Differences In Hearing And Deaf Children

Theories Surrounding The Link Between Hearing Health and Cognition

As we age, our senses naturally decline. Many of us let this decline go untreated, particularly in the area of hearing. But, what all of us may not know is that tied to hearing loss is cognitive impairment that occurs slowly over a long period. The underlying reason behind cognition and hearing loss has not… Continue reading Theories Surrounding The Link Between Hearing Health and Cognition

Valentine’s Day is coming up! Here is an interesting study on couples living with sensory loss.

As you can imagine – or as you have perhaps learned for yourself – sensory loss, including hearing loss, impacts almost every aspect of a person’s life. While you may first think of how a person’s livelihood, social life, and performance of daily tasks are affected, the impact is also felt strongly in a person’s… Continue reading Valentine’s Day is coming up! Here is an interesting study on couples living with sensory loss.