The Connection Between Sudden Hearing Loss and COVID-19

With over nine months now since the beginning of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, you can probably list the common symptoms of COVID-19: fever, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, a cough, a new loss of taste or smell, fatigue, and more. But did you know that COVID has also been linked to sudden hearing loss?… Continue reading The Connection Between Sudden Hearing Loss and COVID-19

Increased Follow-Up From Healthcare Providers Could Lead to Greater Hearing Aid Usage

Once someone is told they need hearing aids, they either dive in with both feet or are very hesitant about adapting to these devices. Some people are very excited that the devices can help them hear better. Others have a more difficult time making the shift to using hearing aids, and they may have underlying… Continue reading Increased Follow-Up From Healthcare Providers Could Lead to Greater Hearing Aid Usage

5 Common Fears of Wearing Hearing Aids and How to Overcome Them

Did you know that approximately 15 percent of adults over the age of 18 in the United States report having some trouble hearing? That?s about 37.5 million people! So, if you or a loved one has been told or suspects that you have hearing loss, you are far from alone. Although hearing loss is quite… Continue reading 5 Common Fears of Wearing Hearing Aids and How to Overcome Them

The Challenges of Distance Learning with Hearing Loss

For children around the United States, late August and early September are associated with one thing: going back to school. While this is still true in 2020, ?going back to school? may not involve returning to a school building at all. Many parents have had to make a difficult choice whether to send their children… Continue reading The Challenges of Distance Learning with Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss In Children & Children?s Books about Hearing Loss

When you think of hearing loss, you may first think about age-related hearing loss. However, kids experience hearing loss, too. Whether you and your children have normal hearing or experience a form of hearing loss, it is important to be educated on this topic. You can also help your children understand hearing loss and the… Continue reading Hearing Loss In Children & Children?s Books about Hearing Loss