6 Simple Video Conferencing Tips for Those with Hearing Loss

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a new way of life that affects all of us. Most states around the US have issued stay-at-home orders, allowing you to venture out for only a few specific reasons. Because of this, you may now find yourself working at home (or attending classes at… Continue reading 6 Simple Video Conferencing Tips for Those with Hearing Loss

Here Are Things You Can Do At Home to Support Hearing Loss

If you or a loved one is experiencing hearing loss, you need support. Even if you are unable to visit an audiologist or other hearing healthcare specialist soon due to COVID-19 restrictions, you can take steps to support hearing loss at home. Experiencing hearing loss does not have to mean that you become reliant on… Continue reading Here Are Things You Can Do At Home to Support Hearing Loss

9 Tips for Taking Care of Your Hearing Aids at Home

With the current “stay at home” and “shelter in place” orders around the country, it can be difficult to see your hearing aid professional as often as usual. Even as states begin to ease restrictions and businesses cautiously start to reopen, it is best to avoid unneeded visits to places like stores and offices. Even… Continue reading 9 Tips for Taking Care of Your Hearing Aids at Home

Brand New Study is Linking Non-Migraine Headaches to Increased Risk of Tinnitus and Sudden Deafness

You could probably bet that there is not a single person you know that has never had a headache. In fact, many of you may have one right now while reading this. Though not conclusive, research indicates that over half of all adults in the world have had at least one headache this past year,… Continue reading Brand New Study is Linking Non-Migraine Headaches to Increased Risk of Tinnitus and Sudden Deafness

What Are the Differences Between Hearing Amplifiers and Hearing Aids?

For millions of Americans struggling with hearing loss, varying treatments are available to improve their ability to hear. Hearing aids, hearing friendly apps, and assistive listening devices all exist to help increase the quality of life for the hard of hearing, but with all of these options, it may be easy to become confused when… Continue reading What Are the Differences Between Hearing Amplifiers and Hearing Aids?

What is Brain Rewiring and How Can It Help People Who Are Congenially Deaf?

Did you know that your brain is flexible? There is no brain hardwiring at birth. Your daily experiences are continually changing the wiring of your brain to process new situations and experiences. Learning and maturing add new skills to your life and in the process, alter the wiring of your mind.  A research team is… Continue reading What is Brain Rewiring and How Can It Help People Who Are Congenially Deaf?

How Hearing Loss May Be Hurting Your Relationship

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and with it the flowers, candy, candlelight and all-around romance that keeps a relationship going strong… Just kidding. Maintaining happy and healthy relationships isn’t as easy as the Valentine’s Day marketers, books, movies, and fairy tales often make them seem. A strong relationship with a significant other (or… Continue reading How Hearing Loss May Be Hurting Your Relationship