The World is a Noisy Place!

by:  Dr. Arthur Zinaman Background noise, ambient noise, reverberation, many conversations at once, chatter, babble, murmur…  whatever you wish to label it, competing sound interferes with the clarity and understanding speech.  Most people experience this occurring in busy restaurants, parties, gatherings, and other social situations where there is a crowd. Here is the typical scenario;… Continue reading The World is a Noisy Place!

Hearing Partners of South Florida is Happy to Support the Hearing Health Foundation

As the holiday season ends, we’re reminded of all the things we’re thankful for. Not only are we grateful to support our patients with their hearing concerns, but we appreciate the opportunity to help others in need. It’s not just the immediate people around us that can benefit from generosity; you can make a difference… Continue reading Hearing Partners of South Florida is Happy to Support the Hearing Health Foundation

Does Hearing Loss Cause Balance Disorders?

By: A. DiMario Hearing loss doesn’t cause balance disorders on its own, however problems with the inner ear that are responsible for hearing may also disrupt your vestibular system.  There seems to be little doubt that hearing loss, tinnitus, and imbalance are related to inner ear problems. Unfortunately, research has not determined the exact nature… Continue reading Does Hearing Loss Cause Balance Disorders?

Herbs, Oils and Hearing

Dr. Arthur Zinaman Recently I’ve been reading about people throughout the U.S. using homeopathic means to cure,  just about anything!  Oils, herbs, flowers, creams, a virtual supermarket full of ‘treatments’ in a bottle.  One article caught my attention which claims for hearing loss cure was touted.  A cure for hearing loss?!  Wait, let me get… Continue reading Herbs, Oils and Hearing

Diabetes and Hearing Loss

By: Fran Springer Diabetes and hearing loss are two of America’s most widespread health concerns. In an article by the American Diabetes Association, nearly 30 million people in the U.S. have diabetes, and an estimated 34.5 million have some type of hearing loss. A recent study found that hearing loss is twice as common in… Continue reading Diabetes and Hearing Loss

Five Myths About Cochlear Implants

By: Dr. Nimet Adam Myth 1 Cochlear implants are suitable for individuals with profound hearing impairment only The criteria for eligibility for cochlear implants have expanded to include individuals with moderate to severe hearing loss. This is due to improvements in cochlear implant technology and surgical procedures. If a patient can no longer benefit from… Continue reading Five Myths About Cochlear Implants

Keep Your Brain Stimulated

By: Dr. Arthur Zinaman Read this next line carefully: hearing loss has been linked to decreased mental health, specifically dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.  This new information indicates that better hearing, possibly achieved with hearing aids, may actually help your body stave off debilating brain disease. Whether hearing loss is a symptom of dementia or a… Continue reading Keep Your Brain Stimulated

Maintaining BALANCE in your Life

By Matthew Seldine, AuD Did you know that September is host to Balance Awareness Week? At Hearing Partners of South Florida, we specialize in hearing and balance disorders. This blog will help you understand the processes in maintaining your balance. Healthy balance requires a complex interaction of processes within the brain and body working together. This… Continue reading Maintaining BALANCE in your Life