The Emotional Aspects of Hearing Loss And Their Contribution To Hearing Aid Usage

Although hearing loss is a common condition that is more understood and treatable today than ever before, many people who could benefit from the use of hearing aids do not use them. Hearing aids can not only improve the hearing ability of these individuals but also help with the social withdrawal, loneliness, and depression that… Continue reading The Emotional Aspects of Hearing Loss And Their Contribution To Hearing Aid Usage

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Oliver Audiology is Happy to Support the Hearing Health Foundation

As the holiday season ends, we’re reminded of all the things we’re thankful for. Not only are we grateful to support our patients with their hearing concerns, but we appreciate the opportunity to help others in need. It’s not just the immediate people around us that can benefit from generosity; you can make a difference… Continue reading Oliver Audiology is Happy to Support the Hearing Health Foundation

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How Environmental Noise Impacts Your Hearing Health

The world around us seems to be growing noisier by the day. With airplanes, traffic, busy restaurants, machinery and the everyday hum of modern life, it’s not surprising that health experts worry about the impact of environmental noises on the public’s hearing. The ever-increasing decibels of the world around us put our hearing to the… Continue reading How Environmental Noise Impacts Your Hearing Health

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Listening With Your Eyes – How Hearing Loss Could Affect Your Eyesight

Our brains are amazing organs. They are capable of receiving, synthesizing, and integrating massive amounts of information in a way that lets us effectively live our day to day lives. Our brains constantly integrate sense data from all of our senses to give us a seamless experience of the world around us. Unfortunately, our brain’s… Continue reading Listening With Your Eyes – How Hearing Loss Could Affect Your Eyesight

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Can You Hear Me? Selective Listening and Your Hearing

Imagine you’re walking along a busy street with your friend. You’re having a lovely conversation about your upcoming summer plans when out of nowhere, someone taps you on the shoulder. You turn around and it’s one of your co-workers, breathing heavily after running to catch up with you. “Didn’t you hear me?” they ask. “I’ve… Continue reading Can You Hear Me? Selective Listening and Your Hearing

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A Look At Hearing Aids That Monitor Vital Signs

Wearable technology is quite the rage these days. The goal of this technology is to incorporate portable electronics and computers into an individual’s daily life. These wearable gadgets track information on health and fitness as well as transportation, finances, music, and gaming. Creating convenient and portable access to electronics and computers certainly makes life much… Continue reading A Look At Hearing Aids That Monitor Vital Signs

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