New Study Discovers Increased Risk for Tinnitus and Sudden Deafness Among Non-Migraine Headache Sufferers

If you experience frequent headaches, you know how annoying they can be. When they are very frequent and severe, these headaches can disrupt your day-to-day functioning. Performing your job responsibilities, cooking meals, taking care of your family, and even driving can become difficult due to headaches. Although migraine headaches are well known for being painful… Continue reading New Study Discovers Increased Risk for Tinnitus and Sudden Deafness Among Non-Migraine Headache Sufferers

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48 Hours With a Hearing Aid User

The unfortunate truth is that many Americans who could benefit from hearing aids do not use them. The reasons can vary, ranging from price, stigma, or ease of use, resulting in over 25 million Americans choosing to avoid the technology that could increase their quality of life. With mountains of scientific evidence proving the positive… Continue reading 48 Hours With a Hearing Aid User

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The Best Time to Disclose Hearing Loss to a Current or Potential Employer

If you live with hearing loss, you know that the condition affects every part of your life: at home, at school, at work, and when you’re out with friends. Hearing loss can have a profound impact on your personal life, including your relationships with your spouse, family, and friends. It can also directly affect how… Continue reading The Best Time to Disclose Hearing Loss to a Current or Potential Employer

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Assistive Listening Systems – What They Are, What Their Benefits Are, and How to Find and Access an ALS

If you have hearing loss, or if you have a loved one with hearing loss, you shouldn’t need to worry about missing out on sound – like speeches or performances – when you attend public events. To ensure that you have access to sound in public venues, you should be aware of Assistive Listening Systems… Continue reading Assistive Listening Systems – What They Are, What Their Benefits Are, and How to Find and Access an ALS

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6 Degrees of Hearing Loss

Let’s talk about hearing loss. Specifically, degrees of hearing loss as measured in a hearing evaluation. What is a hearing evaluation? Similar to an annual medical check-up or twice-yearly dental check-up, a hearing evaluation can be an essential part of your regular health routine even before you suspect you have hearing loss. An annual evaluation… Continue reading 6 Degrees of Hearing Loss

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The Connection Between Sudden Hearing Loss and COVID-19

With over nine months now since the beginning of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, you can probably list the common symptoms of COVID-19: fever, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, a cough, a new loss of taste or smell, fatigue, and more. But did you know that COVID has also been linked to sudden hearing loss?… Continue reading The Connection Between Sudden Hearing Loss and COVID-19

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9 Tips for Taking Care of Your Hearing Aids at Home

With the current “stay at home” and “shelter in place” orders around the country, it can be difficult to see your hearing aid professional as often as usual. Even as states begin to ease restrictions and businesses cautiously start to reopen, it is best to avoid unneeded visits to places like stores and offices. Even… Continue reading 9 Tips for Taking Care of Your Hearing Aids at Home

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