Update from Dr. Dean

Watch the video below for a special message from Dr. Dean. As Dr. Dean said, we’re here to help. Please call our office at 775.882.3277 and leave a detailed message or send us a message on Facebook. We will be checking our messages regularly. We wish you well and look forward to seeing you soon.

Face Masks and Hearing Aids

Face masks are now required in many public places in Nevada to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. For people who experience hearing loss, face masks add additional challenges. Masks pose three problems for patients with hearing loss: you cannot gain any cues from lipreading, the voice of the person speaking is quiet and distorted,… Continue reading Face Masks and Hearing Aids

Noise Induced Hearing Loss | Protect Your Hearing

Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) happens when sounds are too loud, even for a short time, or when they are both loud and long-lasting. Even a small amount of hearing loss can have profound, negative effects on speech, language comprehension, communication, classroom learning, and social development. While there is no cure for permanent hearing loss,… Continue reading Noise Induced Hearing Loss | Protect Your Hearing

How Often Do You Have to Replace a Hearing Aid?

Hearing aids are an incredibly effective yet complicated technology to support and boost your hearing ability. Inside you’ll find advanced microelectronics from wireless radios to computer processors. Much like an older computer, you’ll likely run into a few needed repairs from regular day-to-day usage over the years. Which begs the question: How often do you… Continue reading How Often Do You Have to Replace a Hearing Aid?

Why You Should See an Audiologist (or Ear, Nose, and Throat Physician) for Ear Wax Removal?

When was the last time you had your ears checked? If you answered with “years,” your ears may have accumulated ear wax over time. Not to worry, ear wax is a natural product of human ears that cleans and lubricates them. However, it can be difficult to remove ear wax at home without causing damage… Continue reading Why You Should See an Audiologist (or Ear, Nose, and Throat Physician) for Ear Wax Removal?