Types of Hearing Loss

The ear is made up of the outer, middle, and inner ear. The type of hearing loss you may have depends on what part (or parts) of your ear are damaged. Hearing tests by an audiologist can tell you which type you have and what the best treatment is for your type of hearing loss.… Continue reading Types of Hearing Loss

15+ Important Questions to Ask an Audiologist

Hearing loss is detrimental to both physical and emotional wellbeing. Untreated hearing loss has been shown to cause anxiety, difficulty working, paranoia, depression and more. Knowing what questions to ask your audiologist can seem overwhelming when you are already dealing with the frustration of a hearing loss diagnosis. Here are some of the most common… Continue reading 15+ Important Questions to Ask an Audiologist

4 Ways to Prevent Hearing Loss

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 48 million people in the U.S. have trouble hearing with one or both ears. Some hearing loss can be degenerative as we age; however, noise exposure throughout your lifetime is one of the biggest causes of permanent hearing loss. This is called noise-induced hearing loss.… Continue reading 4 Ways to Prevent Hearing Loss

Traveling with Hearing Aids? Here’s what you need to know!

Many of our patients ask about traveling with hearing aids, especially this time of year. It’s Winter in Buffalo, and many of us look forward to escaping to warmer, sunnier climates! Whether you are taking a quick trip to re-charge, or you’re a snow bird, here are some tips: Add Hearing Aid supplies to your… Continue reading Traveling with Hearing Aids? Here’s what you need to know!

Sound Answers Hearing and Speech is Happy to Support the Hearing Health Foundation

As the holiday season ends, we’re reminded of all the things we’re thankful for. Not only are we grateful to support our patients with their hearing concerns, but we appreciate the opportunity to help others in need. It’s not just the immediate people around us that can benefit from generosity; you can make a difference… Continue reading Sound Answers Hearing and Speech is Happy to Support the Hearing Health Foundation

Speech Therapy and Parkinson’s Disease- a new intervention for improving communication for those with PD

Speech Therapy and Parkinson’s Disease- a new intervention for improving communication for those with PD by Diane M. Wojnowski, MA, CCC-SLP As a Speech-Language Pathologist, I have spent the last 20 years helping individuals communicate more effectively. It is incredibly rewarding and challenging work. It never gets boring because everyone I work with is different-… Continue reading Speech Therapy and Parkinson’s Disease- a new intervention for improving communication for those with PD

Chemical and Noise Exposure Together Increase Risk of Hearing Loss

Came across this article in the ASHA Leader this weekend. Thought it was a good, quick read. Interesting to note that research is showing that “ototoxic chemicals might exacerbate noise-induced hearing loss even though the noise level is acceptable.” Chemical and Noise Exposure Together Increase Risk of Hearing Loss Workers exposed to acceptable levels of both… Continue reading Chemical and Noise Exposure Together Increase Risk of Hearing Loss

What is Aphasia?

Aphasia is a loss of language caused by a neurological event, usually a stroke. It is devastating for the patient and family. Since Aphasia can present itself in a variety of ways, the disorder can be confusing to understand as well. Most individuals who suffer from Aphasia can benefit from speech-language therapy. I just came… Continue reading What is Aphasia?

3 Ways Untreated Hearing Loss Can Hurt Your Health

It is estimated that approximately 37 million Americans have some degree of hearing loss.  Many of those 37 million are untreated.  It may be for financial reasons, a reluctance to receive treatment, a fear of doctors or other personal reasons, but the truth is it can be a bigger problem than it may appear to be.  Living with more… Continue reading 3 Ways Untreated Hearing Loss Can Hurt Your Health