Can Pet Allergies Be Cured?

Does your family have any four-legged family members, like a cat or dog? Pets can be a beloved part of the family and can bring joy to adults and children alike. The two most common household pets are cats and dogs—and along with companionship, they can also bring allergies. No one wants to have to… Continue reading Can Pet Allergies Be Cured?

Is There a Connection Between Allergies and Sinus Infections?

More than 50 million Americans experience allergies of some type every year, and it is estimated that 31 million Americans have sinusitis (sinus infection). It is clear that both conditions are very common. So, is there a connection between allergies and sinus infections? Yes—and here’s how it works. What are sinus infections? A sinus infection… Continue reading Is There a Connection Between Allergies and Sinus Infections?

How Your New College Student Can Prepare for College with Allergies

Soon, high school seniors will be preparing for college! But does your new college student struggle with allergies? For many college students, this will be their first time living on their own—and therefore handling their allergy symptoms and treatments on their own. This is what your new college student can do to prepare for college… Continue reading How Your New College Student Can Prepare for College with Allergies

3 Signs You Should See an Allergy Specialist

If you have experienced allergies before, you might have taken an over-the-counter medication to treat your symptoms. Sometimes, taking an antihistamine can enable you to continue with your daily activities. In other cases, however, over-the-counter solutions may not be enough and you will need to see an allergy doctor. Here are a few signs that… Continue reading 3 Signs You Should See an Allergy Specialist