What Is A PSAP And Is It Better Than A Hearing Aid?

Consumers pay large sums of money for hearing aids. To combat this cost, people with hearing problems now have another option available to them. Personal Sound Amplification Products (PSAPs) are available over the counter and come with a significantly smaller price tag than hearing aids. However, before you drive to your local shopping mall and… Continue reading What Is A PSAP And Is It Better Than A Hearing Aid?

Improve Your Hearing at Work

  Hearing loss can pose a host of hurdles, with some of the most stressful ones occurring at work. Whether it’s applying or interviewing for a new position, or maintaining a current one, hearing problems can make a difficult task even harder. Unlike problems with eyesight or movement, hearing loss is dubbed the “invisible disability”… Continue reading Improve Your Hearing at Work

Improve Your Hearing at Work

  Hearing loss can pose a host of hurdles, with some of the most stressful ones occurring at work. Whether it’s applying or interviewing for a new position, or maintaining a current one, hearing problems can make a difficult task even harder. Unlike problems with eyesight or movement, hearing loss is dubbed the “invisible disability”… Continue reading Improve Your Hearing at Work