Tips To Keep In Mind When Celebrating Your Mom’s First Mother’s Day With A Hearing Aid

This Mother’s Day, like so many Mother’s Days before it, will be filled with flowers and cards, brunches, and special trips out. No matter what age, mothers everywhere will enjoy this special day filled with warm thoughts, loving embraces, and kind words. And while being surrounded by loved ones is often gift enough, most of… Continue reading Tips To Keep In Mind When Celebrating Your Mom’s First Mother’s Day With A Hearing Aid

The Best Gifts for the Hearing Impaired

Whether it’s for the holidays, a birthday or other special event, gift giving isn’t always the easiest. We have to consider the person’s likes and dislikes, hobbies and habits, our budget and time and then, once we finally decide, hope that they don’t already have the gift. It can be nerve-wracking! It can be even… Continue reading The Best Gifts for the Hearing Impaired